Nakedplumber, I dare to say that you're 90 % correct, to have a fully twinked team is something I yet haven't experienced.
Not intending to troll or anything. Just pointing things out:
The mining bug in WotLK
The rend sword bug WotLK
This is nothing new
Twinks just do anything to gain advantage by getting there mitts on risque gear,
not just because an iconic player (huge fan btw Redrum) is doing it.
so people stop crying and making excuses, eather get the gear or wait until the storm blows over and it gets fixed
we have theory crafted a 5k hp 19 druid fc with crazy healing ticks (haste) and 80% damage reduction, not saying we are
gonna do it but it is fun to dream.
we don't need any more threads talking about this bug. Stop Whingeing
lots of love
ur not so active then
Not intending to troll or anything. Just pointing things out:
The mining bug in WotLK
The rend sword bug WotLK
This is nothing new
Twinks just do anything to gain advantage by getting there mitts on risque gear,
not just because an iconic player (huge fan btw Redrum) is doing it.
so people stop crying and making excuses, eather get the gear or wait until the storm blows over and it gets fixed
we have theory crafted a 5k hp 19 druid fc with crazy healing ticks (haste) and 80% damage reduction, not saying we are
gonna do it but it is fun to dream.
we don't need any more threads talking about this bug. Stop Whingeing
lots of love
not queuing until this get fixed