new 4.3 stuff

_Arkant_ said:
They just nerfed 85 resto shamans' offensive potential (which sounds reasonable). Bad luck for 19 shamans.

yeah feel real bad for all those res-sham's in the 19 bracket, to make all you premature whiners feel happy, you can sing along:

shanker's got a quick hand.

He'll look around WSG, he won't tell you his plan.

He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid.

Yeah he found a BOA gun.

In his dads closet hidden in a box of fun things, and I don't even know what.

But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you.

All the other kids with the twinked up shamy's you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.

All the other kids with the twinked up shamy's you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

whistle,,,whistle....whis whis whistle.....whistle,,,whistle....whis whis whistle.....
Are resto druids being changed at all :/
shanker said:
have 24 sec CS on my mage, seems pretty quick to me

Are you really comparing an 8 sec lockout to a 2 sec one?

Windshear, purge, and thunderpunt are the only things that make 19 shamans even playable, now there will be only 2.
nope comparing a mage CS 7 sec lockout with a 24 sec CD to a ele-spec WS 2 sec lockout on a 15 sec CD (if spec for it in 4.3)

WS will still be useable for the ele-spec shamans which is the #1 rolled spec in 19 now

to all others, enh-spec shams are rarely honest. it's like QQing for all the poor fire mages in 19 bracket....exactly. if you are gonna QQ about enh-spec not being viable? why not QQ that combat rogues who were ganked upon cata release
shanker said:
nope comparing a mage CS 7 sec lockout with a 24 sec CD to a ele-spec WS 2 sec lockout on a 15 sec CD (if spec for it in 4.3)

WS will still be useable for the ele-spec shamans which is the #1 rolled spec in 19 now

to all others, enh-spec shams are rarely honest. it's like QQing for all the poor fire mages in 19 bracket....exactly. if you are gonna QQ about enh-spec not being viable? why not QQ that combat rogues who were ganked upon cata release

really shaman can hope for one spec that is great, rogues have one, mages have two
ele-spec is still viable, even without spammable WS. you still have it
For all those concerned about rogue nerfs official wow forums also had a post on this.

From what i read i got:

A) most likely a datamining error

B) if it is true, i think this guy has the answer:

Guys did you even read the tooltips in MMO-champion???

The percentages were misleading. It was a 50% nerf to the additional base damage for backstab and 48% for ambush.

Backstab 200% + 1380 ---> 200% + 690

Ambush 190% + 1325 ----> 190% + 697,3

no idea if any of it is true but yea..
shanker said:
boo hoo shamans WS getting nerfed.....not really gonna affect 19's

most shamans in 19 are ele-spec and at 19 they can get: Reverberation rank 1 which will reduce windshear by 10 sec on 4.3 (if it goes thru), meaning WS will be 15 sec for ele-spec, which imo is no reason to start crying. just move the 1 point out of elemental precision

have 24 sec CS on my mage, seems pretty quick to me

you can't compare CS to WS 1-1, a mage has sheep which is a lockdown with no cd, and can sometimes be used as an interrupt
As a ex shaman i must show my pain for the shaman nerf. But i must say this. For higher levels that nerf was need BADLY. Anyone ever seen a 70resto shaman? Pretty Unkillable. Anyone ever seen a 70hunter? They suck ass. I am personally hoping for a hunter buff.

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