New 39 Priest - Need Help

I just got a Lich King trial on an old account that I haven't played in nearly 2 years. The account had a 36 Priest on it so I decided to twink her at 39 for fun (and maybe to transfer somewhere if I like it). It's currently 39 and needs some work on gear, etc.

I've never twinked a Priest and need some input on gear/enchants/specs. I've looked at a few guides/armories but wanted to get some feedback from the resident Priest experts. Btw, my desired spec is Disc. Your help is appreciated. Here's the armory:

The World of Warcraft Armory - Anlynn @ Lightninghoof - Profile

There was a post almost identical to this about 1 week ago buddy, i would find the link but i am absolutely hammered. there were some nice armories linked there.
Rainstrider Leggings - Item - World of Warcraft over your current ones, 13 Spir (+ Armor) is superior to 2 Stam, as Priests are one of the really few classes which take huge benefits from Spir.

Pulsating Crystalline Shard - Item - World of Warcraft minus 3 Spir, but +1 Stam and 11 SP .. worthy imO.

Cloak and Belt need Updates, obv (would suggest WSG Cloak and RfD Belt), and get some trinkets (AGM, Tidal Charm, Mark of the Chosen, etc).

Oh, and get an Ember Wand.

Also, I would give that 39 Priest guide over there in the guides section ( a shot, it helpful (even if outdated, at some points).



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