need some info!

Heyaaaa, well title says it all i need some info about this bracket.

I have 2 warriors sitting in the 70 bracket right now and im planning to lvl 1 of those:

So my first question is, is warrior any good in this bracket (by good i dont mean op like mages, just viable?)
the BiS chardev's specc has no imp. slam but i tought it was really word picking up :O.

When and how late does bg's and arena's pop (EU)?

They are viable, even better if you want to go 81 if your only doing bgs because you get colossus smash and piercing howl. Prot is probably best for bgs till vengence nerf maybe even without vengeance, arms is good with healer.
i rather stay 80 tough, way better scaling right?
And still want to know about queu times!

Thanks for answering my question tough stunggix =)
80 has better scaling, but 81 certainly wont kill you. you can actually squeeze out more mastery using gear that requires lvl 81. haste doesnt matter, and your crit should remain roughly the same - plus as a warrior you have crit modifying talents at your disposal making it less consequential.....and colossal smash + piercing howl are some great abilities

if you want to get herald make sure to do that before you hit 81 though, and make an arena team before leveling if you like that as well
Not sure if you're asking for PvE or PvP so I think i'll just answer for both cases.

Warriors are very good and very viable in PvP aswell as PvE.
On my warrior I can hit 13-14k on a dummy over a 7 min fight both as fury and arms.
As prot I can tank everything with ease aswell.
For PvP all three specs works aswell, but as usual you either need a pocket healer or a brain to go with the spec..
I myself prefer fury over arms for the random BGs since raging blow with a ton of mastery allows to 25k+ crits which along with a heroic strike clears out those lower geared 80s. All specs are viable though. I'd prefer arms & fury over prot for pvp any day, imo if you wanna play a tank spec in PvP bloods / prot palas are the way to go..
thanks for the replies guys!
tough, my main question about queu time stays un-answered ;>
BG queues in the EU can be anywhere from 5 minutes to over an hour, depends on time of day (and it's never the same). Arenas (2s) are less, around 3mins on average, but later(if you farm some teams like I do), you'll get nothing for a while. As for 3s and 5s, I highly doubt 5s even pop, and 3s are relatively rare (~15min queues last time I tried)
thanks splosion, decided to get my warrior to 80 now asap (hoping that my friend will go holy hehe).
Hope to see you guys in bg's soon!
Samsom, will you be playing horde or alliance? Cause Alliance really need some good players, and i would love to get you into some premades, as long as you play objective. :)
If you're alliance, PM me your real ID, if u wanna do some premades. :)
sorry oliks, the warrior im currently lvling is horde :>
If this bracket is as fun as 70 i'll be very active and maybe looking for guild then, so who knows im going to race+realm change to ally by then ^^
sorry oliks, the warrior im currently lvling is horde :>
If this bracket is as fun as 70 i'll be very active and maybe looking for guild then, so who knows im going to race+realm change to ally by then ^^

As a warrior you're best class would be human, since you're in urgent need of 2 trinkets in this bracket....
But stay whereever you'd like.. But i would love for you to come to join guild
hehe i think i'll do fine with the alch trink + medallion ;D
ill see how much i enjoy the bracket first before promising anything mate
I have a 80 twink warrior. and in my own opinion its really not that good at 80, you have to have a healer with you at all times and when you go d you do no damage and pretty much the other teams on o for a long time.

warriors are def better at 80 then they are at 70, but i still never log on my warrior idk if its just becouse i dont like warrior or the fact that i get owned by most classes.

edit or the fact i suck as warrrior:D
No damage? warriors do so much damage at 80 it's unreal, a couple of seconds in melee with anyone and they die unless they have resi and/or healer in which case they'll do in around 5 seconds, the best thing about warriors is that you don't really need a healer, if there are multiple people on you, target the one with the lowest health, kill him and get a free Victory Rush.
Don't go to 81.
A REAL warrior would stay at 80, get full raid BiS and then go fury and wreck everything in it's path with a pocket healer.
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Don't go to 81.
A REAL warrior would stay at 80, get full raid BiS and then go fury and wreck everything in it's path with a pocket healer.

80 war is very nice yes..
But fyi 81 fury war is class with most burst in bracket, and it actually takes some skill to play :) So not for pussies :D
But i'd pref if he went 80 to..
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81 fury warrior doesn't take much over a single iWin button. Outside of that, it does take some skill to play.
Don't go to 81.
A REAL warrior would stay at 80, get full raid BiS and then go fury and wreck everything in it's path with a pocket healer.

orrrrrrrrrrrr go 81, get more mastery for higher raging blows, and colussus smash for even more damage?
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