Need help gearing Mistweaver Monk


Hello I've searched through quite a few pages on the forums and I've looked at all the mistweavers in the armory. They all have different gear and stat priority so I don't know who to base my gear on.

Would it be Intellect > Mastery > Haste > Versatility?

Could someone tell me the 2 best geared mistweavers that are listed in the armory in your opinion?

Also while I got ya here could you rank all the healers?

Priest > Shaman > Monk > Pally > Resto Druid?

Thank you!
Noo! I'm horde bleeding hollow gearing up mine right now too as WW we could have geared together :(
I think a balance of mastery verse crit/haste secondaries is nice, probably prioritizing in that order. You don't really need haste too much because everything is instant when channeling. haste would increase your hot ticks so you could squeeze out all of the healing from your hots. Mastery adds that nice heal to all of your direct healing spells and I just like having vers as a second stat cuz you literally have no defenses aside from roll and leg sweep. Vers also increases your throughput. Could go mastery crit too for a more spike healing gameplay since you're only channeling for a few seconds at a time to avoid interrupts, quickly cast a few instants, hope they crit then move. Mastery is nice and I got up to like 130%, but I didn't like it as all of my other stats were terrible. I ended up with around 86% mastery, 25% verse, 20‰ haste, 12% crit
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