Need general info about this bracket[EU], and tips on locks.


Hi, I decided to roll a lock in this bracket (never been in this bracket before btw!). What I need is; info about best professions for a warlock, which faction to roll(faction that needs more players, to balance things out :3), and which race(after choosing the faction). Also, how's the hunter population in this bracket? Will I often play games, where you'll face 5-7hunters and captain-eazymode-healing-behind-FOTM's-back?

Btw, how do warlocks perform in this bracket? Im talking about damage, support and survival.

P.S Is there any realms with 20-24 activity ?
Hi Normax!

So you wanted to know about the 24 bracket?

Firstly the professions you should pick up are Herbalism (for the haste and small heal) and Mining (for the stamina boost). You may also like to give up a little survivability for extra crit with skinning!

What faction? HORDE! The Horde's battleground wait time are way less than Alliance, PLUS The Horde generally is more co-operative and just all around better.

For your race you should definitely go Troll or Goblin for the racials. Troll has an attack speed cooldown and Goblins have a damage spell and rocket jump but they share the same cooldown. As for Hunters, they are very good against an undergeared Warlock. If you want to be a good Warlock vs Hunters talk to the GM of EPlC, he is one of the best locks in the bracket. Most games will have less than five hunters, but we have come across reams with 9 hunters, QQ.

Is there realms with 20-24 activity?

Spirestone has the most 24 and has actual good players that can give you tips. EPlC has both an Alliance and Horde guild but the Horde is where the action is at.

I hope I helped you out today. If you need anything else feel free to message me on the forum or ingame. My character is Myaahh on spirestone.

Glad I could Help,

Hi, I decided to roll a lock in this bracket (never been in this bracket before btw!). What I need is; info about best professions for a warlock, which faction to roll(faction that needs more players, to balance things out :3), and which race(after choosing the faction). Also, how's the hunter population in this bracket? Will I often play games, where you'll face 5-7hunters and captain-eazymode-healing-behind-FOTM's-back?

Btw, how do warlocks perform in this bracket? Im talking about damage, support and survival.

P.S Is there any realms with 20-24 activity ?

4-5 hunters on a team is not unusual. If you like 'old' twinking, before brackets were segregated and you could beat up on undergeared people youll probably like 24 twinking. If you like a challenge, and balanced pvp, go do pretty much anything but 24 pvp.
Thanks a lot!

I'll be rolling lvl 20 then. Can't find the geared warlock though
, could you link me his armory? Also, isn't blood elf a better choise, because they have resistance against "arcane shot"?

And is it worth to go for engi, to get spell pen cap (parachute cloak)?

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