Need advice on my sugar daddy p2p.


Hey there, lurker here with a buncha f2ps on Terenas. I can't decide whether to transfer my 85 troll huntard or 85 orc death noob to the server for dungeon escort. Both are well-geared and have 1k plus in JP and honor. I'm also hoping to do old raids using my f2p for grouping. Thoughts? Which is less annoying?
Both are quite good, pet classes, although I would say DK would have the advantage as far as tanking, aggro and AoE for grinding, although even a level 60 can handle most things you'd want for a F2P.
A well geared 85 dk can solo LK, but I don't think your f2p twink can use any of the gear
Are you talking about the Shadowmourne quest horse? If they are F2P then you can't mail them things, including the mount.
Depending upon what you will be using that class for there are benefits to both. A death knight would commonly provide a high potential for gold income for it's ability to solo higher content, thus meaning the death knight succeeds in being able to efficiently "run/escort" your twink. Death knights also have the ability to play as a tank, aka more variety and has the option for queing as a tank ---Shorter que times/ control run speed/ likely to gain multiple sets of gear at the same time. The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, brethren.SUPPLY&DEMAND.--- A hunter is able to kite certain mobs and most definitely run a low level through a dungeons with relative ease. If you're going to prioritize doing lower end content such as Blackwing Lair, Serpent Shrine Cavern, etc. I would say a hunter most definitely if you find the aesthetic approach to the game to your liking, especially with transmogrification coming along ( Tier Sets ).

Opinion Summary:

Hunter - You don't care about PVE 85

Deathknight- PVE 85, Gold/Justice-Valor Points
You don't get HKs for killing people in skirmish mode, no. The rocket is probably easier to get than Vial of Sands. I said most things, not all. With an 85 DK he can boost his F2P account on follow for anything he needs.
Gurubashi is skirmish mode. You don't get HKs while in the arena. You do get them if you wait for them to exit the arena, lose skirmish, and gain flagged.

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