need 29 disc priest help pls

Ok so im making a 29 disc priest obv, was wondering how to glyph and spec. im goin 18/2, is imp. mana burn a must? seems like its a pretty situational spell, only when ur spamming it on another healer in arena. Also is speccing imp. inner fire and glyph of inner fire a good option versus glyph of renew? seems like id have dmg mitigation on par with a pally if i did that, or is the better HoT wiser? Also for my sp set should i roll inferno robe 6 stats or arugal 4 stats (horde btw)? Thanks for any inc help.
i dont know much about priests at 29. i do know that its going to be diffucult to outlast a pallyhealer thats when you'll use mana burn. your going to end up wanting stats and dps gear sets, i suggest inferno robe for dps and Zealots robe for stats

not too much BiS but some clothie gear ideas(prob in mt stat gear)

You have a lot of freedom when speccing a 29 disc priest. There are nearly no must-have talents but nearly all available talents are useful.

Unbreakable Will: Obviously a very good talent so i would take this over

Twin Disciplines: unless you are going for some kind of disc dps spec

Silent Resolve: Seems more like an Arena talent, probably not so necessary at 29

Improved Inner Fire: This together with the Inner Fire glyph will bring your armor into pala-with-a-shield regions which is of course great if you want to run flags. It's really fun but I am not sure if it's really needed.

Improved Power Word Fortitude: A good talent for support and for flag-running

Martyrdom: Will make your life way easier against hunters and rogues no matter if you want to heal or dps cast

Meditation: Doesn't look like much mana regeneration but in practice it helps a lot, must-have talent imo.

Inner Focus: Nice clutch talent

Improved Power word Shield: Most efficient together with the PWS glyph and

Mental Agility: If you shield and renew a lot it's surely worth speccing

Absolution: Probably not worth it at 29, could be good together with the Dispel glyph

Improved Mana Burn: A must if you want to win mana-fights with other caster twinks. You can probably live without it in battlegrounds.

Healing Focus: Not sure if you need that AND Martyrdom. However if you are trying to keep an FC up i would probably get it

Improved Renew: Nice to have when you gear for mana pool and don't have so much spell power. Also nice together with high spell power and Renew Glyph which means you'll have very high ticks (but also a lot of overhealing)

I'd prefer PWS glyph as it gives you about 70-80 free healing per PWS. Renew glyph looks nice but will make you overheal a lot if you use it preemptively (but is great in emergencies where you cannot cast a flash heal). Inner Fire glyph if you want to be a healing tank.
Disc priest

Here's my 15/5/0 priest to show you one permutation of what is possible.

The World of Warcraft Armory

I have several item sets, this one being my max heal/holy dps set. Renew ticks for just over 150, shield absorbs about 550. I've gimped my own health for mana spell power and spirit pieces, as I can usually shield/heal/fear my way out of trouble. There are several uprgrade options to this including gazedreamers pants, the BC bracers, BoP chest. I also have eagle pants and staff for my stam set, the PVP staff with spirit ench (+ mana oil) for regen, and some shadow wrath pieces for shadow dmg spec.


Apparently, pertinent information isnt allowed here. Thanks for editing my posts?
I prefer arugal over infero, 3 sta, 7 int, 2 spi > 7 spellpower imo (counting enchants), beguiler is great if your lacking stats

As for glyphs, I prefer PWS (Major) and Fortitude (Minor).

Spec is really based on what you will be doing, pretty much all the talents in the first four tiers of disc are great.
Glyph of PW:S isn't nearly as good as Glyph of Renew. Shield requires you to have a health deficit to use, and if you're like me you'll want shield up more often than you're in combat. Whenever I see a rogue stealth I shield, whenever I see horde incoming to a node in AB I Glyph of PW:S just isn't really viable.

Renew, however gives a great buff to the spell. It ups the upfront heal of the spell, which can be gamebreaker when you have a few people training you.
Aerocroft said:
Glyph of PW:S isn't nearly as good as Glyph of Renew. Shield requires you to have a health deficit to use, and if you're like me you'll want shield up more often than you're in combat. Whenever I see a rogue stealth I shield, whenever I see horde incoming to a node in AB I Glyph of PW:S just isn't really viable.

Renew, however gives a great buff to the spell. It ups the upfront heal of the spell, which can be gamebreaker when you have a few people training you.

That's what i meant, different people have different needs and playstyles and so they're using different glyphs and talents. Both glyphs have their advantages and disadvantages.
Yes PW:S is affected by SP, hence why it is good to stack still. I also prefer the renew glyph because of my playstyle. 4 x 156 ticks over 12s negates 50 in coming dps, so that's one attacker neutralised. With this much SP, my holy spells hit as hard as my shadow , some with lower mana cost, but at the expense of longer casting times.
A lot of my choices come from experience as i play priest in PUGs in 29,39 and 49 (shadow at 49). Observe your playstyle, the other people's playstyle and see what could be better for you, then spec and gear a priest that fits like a glove for you. Such observations and environements can be different ofc! I tend to either go for the flag (often alone), heal midfield or def and i always off-dps when no healing is needed or when i am attacked by single players. Fact is that all of the three glyphs, PWS, Renew and Inner Fire are great, you just have to find the one that you need the most. I like to last for a while so the PWS glyph with it's mana-free extra healing is good for me. The Renew gylph gives you more healing per second which can be good, too, when you're healing the FC (or yourself). If you have no trouble keeping people alive with PWS and Renew then you probably don't need the Renew glyph. At 29 you only have one glyph and so i would probably not choose Inner Fire glyph unless you only run flags or never have mana issues or problems keeping people alive.

But the best way to find out what's best for you is always to try it out yourself.
They might as well change the name of the site to Twinkmisinfo with threads like these.

I posted all the correct info but it was deleted. (we cant have people gearing/speccing correctly ofc)

In short, armory twinkfloyd for the spec, symbolik for the gear (he lolchanged his spec, and we've been making fun of him about it non stop)

Also pick up a regen set as well. (and some boa maces if u can)

18/2/0 is the best spec for pugging, premading, arenas, and dueling. Priests are one of the few, is not the only class that only has 1 cookie cutter spec (every other class has several "best" specs). There's a reason for that (its by far the best in every situation)

People can argue playstyle all they want, but for priests there is a clear cut favorite. Use it, or gimp yourself. Those are the options.
Hi guys.

I've recently made a priest as a single target ranged dps that beats hunters.

I wanted to make a Spriest but their mana is worse than I thought then I'm Disc at the moment for pugging in BGs. While respeccing several times, I also checked 4glyphs. (IF,PW:S,Dispell,Renew). I'll write my rate on them.


**** good

*** okay

** soso

* not good

pug=pickup group(solo queue)

org=organized group(premade vs premade)

arena=2on or 3on. i dont do much

huntards=needless to say. in 1on1

Glyph of Renew

pug bg ****

org bg ****

arena ****

huntards ***

Good glyph in general. heavy mp5/spi/int build will need this glyph to get okay tick. 180+SP renew build with this glyph heals my warlock with demon armor for over 200/tick. I'll pick this up when I roll a healer in pug games.

Glyph of Dispel

pug bg **

org bg *****

arena ****

huntards *

This can be the best glyph in Arena and vs premade games. imagine enemy 2 twink locks start tab dotting. but also requires good support. as you know most dps twinks in pug games are too busy to do dps and dont care about healers. if your team or mate can fix this problem, try this one. in pug games,only time you spam Defensive dispel is on FC. dispeling weaker dot or half ticked dot is waste of mana. renew all the time and dispel CC and their buffs of course.

Glyph of PW:Shield

pug bg ****

org bg ****

arena ***

huntards ***

I know a good priest who spec'ed into this glyph with Imp PW:S. He is good enough and tough. I only tested this glyph without talent so.. someone comment it =) this combo will be good against aimed shot. it means nice to have in pug games.

Glyph of Inner Fire

pug bg *****

org bg **

arena **

huntards ****

My favorite one in pug bg. having 1650ac with talented/glyphed Inner Fire make you a TANK healer or dps(me,lol). with elixir of defence, your ac will be 1900+ (nearly40% reduction). these reduction works fine especially for high latency player like me. if you can kite well or having good support, you dont need this one.

Hope this helps to find your best.
Glyph of Dispel, for being useful.

Glyph of renew with a tick spec/gear setup is fun as well, but I'd still take Dispel. (Yes, Even for pugs.)

Ah yes, and Imp mana burn.. Is just the most useful offensive tool a disc priest has, other than dispel. It wins mana wars, and shuts down healers. Also, some people freak out and los their FC when you start burning, pretty fun.

For gear, you should have a couple different setups. (I have about 3 or 4 main gear sets that I use every day) Including and Int set, a Regen Set, and a Spellpower Set, with mix and match pieces.

Also, unless you're ridiculously low on mana in your spellpower gear, throw 150hp on Inferno.
to Symbolik

hrm.. I should re-think and re-build the glyph.

but to me, 29BGs are like "how to beat huntards" game.

I beat most of active hunters in my battlegroup(some twinks in underbelly are still problem)

in 1on1 of course. then they come to kill me again and again...yes, I need more survivability.

for gear.

I think the comment is for OP. having several set of gears are nice. I have Sp/INT/Regen and their mix for balanced set.

Thanks for reply.

To Twentynine

lol hey.

man, its just a pug that has a lot of lowbies and newbies in it. i dont care much.

I've checked your build. It looks good and I'll respec to similar build when I play arena or premade. but for pugs, I'll take another build. gonna try shadow again.

btw you need to lvl your herb to 300.


My rate is from DPS Priest who SOMETIMES switch to healer mode.

I'm interested in rate from pure healers.

post yours if you like.

I don't know why people are saying silent resolve is an arena only talent, do you not play against twink resto shamans or something?

The same thing goes with imp mana burn, you can get almost three extra mana burns on the pally in the time where you could only do two or three, before they go out of LOS or you get silenced or feared etc.

imp mana burn IS NOT a useless pug talent, I have mana burned the fuck out of holy pallys and had them mana pot to just get mana burned again within 5 seconds.

My priest

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