neck/cloak enchants


I'm currently working on 4 vet twinks for when my sub lapses;
-Disc Priest
-Resto Shammy
-Feral Dudu
-Arms(maybe Fury) Warrior

I have enchanted all the enchants for these guys except the WoD ones for the neck and cloak (already made 8 gift of vers for the rings). I was wondering if there was any sort of info on the secondary stats like;
-what stat is best for each class?
-do the stats scale linearly or is there some sort of soft cap on them (points beyond a certain amount give less of a % or reduced effects)
-should I put all 4 enchants (neck, cloak, rings) into a single stat or would splitting them up be better?

Any information you lovely people could provide would be greatly appreciated :D
Just look at the vet armory thread and make decisions based off that

That was the first place I looked xD There wasn't really any one that stood above the rest. Some of them used vers, some used crit, some used a mix of vers and haste, etc. Nothing really stood out to me.

Thanks for the tip tho!! appreciate your help
I'm in the process of testing a Fury Warrior with different chants / gear.

I've got a fully Versatility geared Fury Warrior (check my signature), and am now making a Haste set for her. I just need 1 more ring and I'll have a full Haste geared set, and will run some DPS tests and see how that compares and will post on TI.

I'm fairly certain Multistrike is not as good as Versatility for a Fury Warrior, but Haste could be quite good. I had previously checked the stats on a fully Multistrike geared warrior and commented on it in the below thread.


Only other thing left to check is whether fully Crit geared Fury is better than Haste or Versatility. I'll try and check that out also before my sub expires.

As for your other classes, I can't really help you with that as I don't have any of those classes twinked out.

Good luck, hopefully I may be able to help with at least your query for your Warrior :)
As a general rule, Resto shaman do better with haste. As do many healers.
You should choose haste for the neck and cape for those enchants since those offer the largest dividends. And at least one ring. I have been toying around with other enchants as that other ring "gift of haste" only gives .03 seconds of cast improvement. As haste development is on a bell curve, not a linear one. I just feel, in my opinion, the that ring enchant can be put to more important use.

Thanks for the reply guys!

so haste and crit scales convexly but does versatility scale that way to? I assumed that it was linearly but I may be wrong. If it is tho I would imagine going either crit / haste til the peak and the fill the rest with vers as to not waste the stats.

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