Name Brand on Bleeding Hollow (PvP)
What is Name Brand, who are you guys?Recruitment
Name Brand is a guild of like minded players, and friends whose goal is to become one of the most dominant guilds in the brackets and compete with other guilds in Pugs, and Wargames. Our success isn't pulled from our players skill level. But our dedication to success and our perseverance through failure. We work with each other through our wins, and losses alike. Learning from our failures and earning our victories.
Why should I join Name Brand instead of another guild?
Name Brand is in a pretty exciting stage of growth right now, we have not been around as long as many other guilds. The guild formed mid legion. Which means every member will have a hand in the direction and success of the guild. We also work together in 5 man pugs often to coach each other and help grow ourselves as players. We often swap roles and give the chance to try new classes, strategies and the chance to lead. We are also recruiting for our wargame teams.
Do you guys even wargame?
We are currently looking to fill out our wargame teams roster to compete against other guilds, and have in house wargames for practice, and competitive fun.
What are the requirements to join Name Brand?
- Have a good attitude, don't be a toxic menace.
- Have a good understanding of the game, 19s and warsong gulch.
- Have discord, a working mic, and the ability to communicate.
- Do not use consumables, or buffs in pug Warsong Gulch games.
Name Brand was originally formed to stand apart from the mongoloid pug survival hunter premades that speed pot and glide around like lunatics and win games with little brain power, or 60 int boomies 1 shotting levelers. We believe in a competitive environment and winning games by out strategizing the enemy team.
How do I go about joining Name Brand?
If you want to join Name Brand you need to message me. You can message me here on xpoff, discord, or add my battle tag and message me in game.
- Discord - whatmynameis#8468
- Battle tag - whatmynameis#11355
Not everyone who applies will be accepted to the guild.
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