Naked Hunter project

and yet, you can.....

i'm just going to do a wsg or two without any gear on my 29 hunter and then post the screenshots.

btw, i forgot to add "infinite mana" and "10 second cc" to the list above.
A monkey with downs could play a 29 hunter and do well. I'm going to have to agree with lloyd on this one.
Lloydganks said:
and yet, you can.....

i'm just going to do a wsg or two without any gear on my 29 hunter and then post the screenshots.

You're going to fist them down? :)

Hunters are good, no doubt, but they are not the demigods you describe. The thing with them is that a group of them can completely control the midfield in wsg, and that way people feel they are overpowered since they can't get passed. On the other hand, hunters at end level have been suffering a lot for a very long time (with a few exceptions). Many changes that were supposed to help endgame also effected lowlevel, and thus created this monster. But at least the name hunter is suitable for lvl 29, since they are feared and not the free honor points they are at higher levels.
yep, i have an 80 hunter. terrible at 70, and terrible at 80 at the only pvp that counts - arenas. the sad part is that the class would have been fine if blizzard didn't overnerf literally every aspect of the class after season 5..... some of the most pathetically and head-scratchingly off-base balance changes i've ever seen from them.

it's very unfortunate that like you said, the buffs to attempt to help max-level hunters only succeeded in making low-level hunters obscenely overpowered. however, that doesn't really change the fact that they are indeed gods at level 19 and 29....even moreso at 29. pretending that they are anything else is just naive and over-optimistic.
Lloydganks said:
it's very unfortunate that like you said, the buffs to attempt to help max-level hunters only succeeded in making low-level hunters obscenely overpowered. however, that doesn't really change the fact that they are indeed gods at level 19 and 29....even moreso at 29. pretending that they are anything else is just naive and over-optimistic.

Quoting this... ya know, since you told me I was f'ing high in response to a commentary about hunters where I called hunters OP at 19.
oh they're definitely op at 19, but they actually have counters at 19 (especially in arenas). you can run them out of mana, you can snare them and focus them, you can kill the pet VERY quickly, you can play los games etc. they can be neutralized, and they can be beaten - it's just not easy.

at 29, hunters don't have any counters. it's one thing to be overpowered, and another thing to have literally no counters. big difference!

at 29, you can't run them oom because of viper, you can't focus them because of disengage, frost trap, and cheetah. you can't really play los games because all they have to do is keep instant aimed shot up once every 10 seconds and you lose the mana war.

and of course, all of these factors get exacerbated x10 when you step out of an arena into a battleground without mounts where hunters reign supreme.
Finks said:
Would go with a Night elf instead just because dwarfs wouldn't be as noticeable that your naked due to height.

I agree, not just cause of visability though, given your gear disadvantage I think having increased agility and a 2% chance for melee & ranged to miss against you would be better than the crit bonus of a dwarf.

A Draenei might be good too--for the heal--and no one ever misses seeing a nekkid draenei of either gender
Well, I do agree on most points, but I'm kind of thinking 1v1, where I think you're more into the arena perspective here. Sure, the one with ms debuff will probably win there.

But I do feel I can beat hunters on my other chars 1v1. Maybe they aren't that good, and I know how to exploit their weakness from experience, but I do get the feeling I can 1v1 most of them and win 50% of the time. My biggest problem is them slowing me down so I can't escape the zerg in wsg. I try to stay away from hunters, like I stay away from deathknights at lvl 80.

One thing that is kinda awkward for my hunter, though, is actually sneaky fire mages (if they get the chance to blink, frostnova, impact etc.). But that's not a very common fight.
whats up with people saying that its hard to play a "great" hunter? even playing as a "great" hunter it is not half as hard as perfecting the play in most of the other classes on 29...
Lómion said:
whats up with people saying that its hard to play a "great" hunter? even playing as a "great" hunter it is not half as hard as perfecting the play in most of the other classes on 29...

Hunters can be very effective by just mashing aimed and arcane shots, but there is more to it than that. I know many people are frustrated and tend to lose against hunters and then make biased statements about how there is no skillcap at all. I'd say that a poorly played hunter can be effective, but a player who knows some tricks, and what he's doing, is going to have a major impact on the outcome of any bg.

But that doesn't make them to gods. Apply a snare to a hunter and he's fubar, just stay in melee range and his damage goes down by at least 50%. If the hunter is aware of the situation, he won't let many people reach him (except rogues), but they are very weak if you can surprise them. Mounts will make this much easier.

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