My Warrior Gear Chardev

Get the BOA bow so you are hit capped. I think 15 agility to gloves is better than the haste because of all the crit
I went with TP over TBD souly because I was lacking a bit of agil after going with Cobrahn's Belt and Chausses of Westfall.

And about switching Haste to Agility I dont see why. The way I look at it is, at 19 haste reduces my weapon speed by 4.75 (or 5%) if I have the 10 haste, but if I was to add the 15 agil I would only get a 2% increase in crit chance.

Obviously the percents have different values, but wouldn't the accumulative damage of simply attacking 5% faster be more valuable then a raised crit chance?

I dunno, I'm probably way off base here. Just thought I'd throw something out there that is funky.
agi is more than just crit, its also armor and dodge. Also, if you plan to run with a spike on your shield you might want to get more STR chants to up your block value. (or maybe put the spike on an arctic buckler, i've known some allis to do that.)
For the spec you will definitely want 3 points in Id take those from armored to teeth. Change belt to Deviate Scale one and wops your hit capped. Change rending glyph to hamstring one and it seems okey.
Theme said:
For the spec you will definitely want 3 points in Id take those from armored to teeth. Change belt to Deviate Scale one and wops your hit capped. Change rending glyph to hamstring one and it seems okey.

!!!!! are you fucking insane?! Armored to the teeth is the best thing to happen to warriors ever! Esp if you are getting hit capped then you really need that extra ap. Any warrior without armored to the teeth is an idiot who should uninstall the game right now then jump out a moving vehicle... blah blah blah

@stubbs also i would get two agms and change your glyph to hamstring and you will be pro
z1nk666 said:
!!!!! are you fucking insane?! Armored to the teeth is the best thing to happen to warriors ever! Esp if you are getting hit capped then you really need that extra ap. Any warrior without armored to the teeth is an idiot who should uninstall the game right now then jump out a moving vehicle... blah blah blah

wether this is serious or not just..

!!!!! are you fucking insane?! Armored to the teeth is the best thing to happen to warriors ever! Esp if you are getting hit capped then you really need that extra ap. Any warrior without armored to the teeth is an idiot who should uninstall the game right now then jump out a moving vehicle... blah blah blah

@stubbs also i would get two agms and change your glyph to hamstring and you will be pro

So you would actually play pvp without the pvp trinket? Also armored to teeth is worth 24-55 ap, less when you need it the most, with 2h. And your claming its clearly better than 3% crit, no I am not agreeing.

When you need your dmg most is usually when your playing with a 2h and the normal way to kill something is to burst. While bursting you usually have crusader up, which pushes aps relative value down alot. So yes Id go with the crit.

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