US My Twinking Journey

Soon after I made my level 19 Mage which I called Citrium, you Cata Lads may remember me. I transferred over to Bleeding Hollow because I got trolled by the blokes in MGC (Machine Gun Clicks) after they said they would invite me to the guild. Me being pretty moronic and gullable believed them not realising they were mocking me because I was dog shit. Anyways, $30 later and realising I had just got analy raped

This shows how disconnected or "lost at ramp" I've been for awhile.. had no idea Blurz = Citrium. I can't remember if this particular memory was my doing or another one of the other tinks - glad to see that things worked out for you. Noodle Arms was a lot of fun too - NA did the dirty work and tC took advantage of an opportunity, kuddos!
Hi, I’m Blurz, not sure exactly why I'm making this, I know only my closest friends will read this anyway. I always use to make fun of those attention seeking nerds that made goodbye threads throughout the years but here I am about to do one myself lol. But duck it nothing happens in this bracket anymore anyways.

To set the mood:

I guess I'll start with my very first level 19 twink. Pretty embarrassing really but my first alias as a 19 was with the name Twinkxstar lol. I remember it being around the year 2007 and for some reason I couldn’t level past 19 because I was autistic. I was in grade 7 at the time so I can’t really give a proper explanation as to why I was that moronic but I guess it turned out to be the best thing for me at the time as I discovered level 19 twinks.

I use to chill at the crossroads and duel levellers to show how superior I was! haha! But one day along came this other level 19 priest and made me look like a fool, at the time his name was Pym but was later known by names such as Maelstrom and Hymn which a lot of you may have heard of. This young twink was considered to be one of the best priests during his playing career unbeknownst to me that is. It wasn’t until cataclysm that I found out who he truly was AFTER HE HAD ALREADY QUIT. So R.I.P my life.

But anyway Maelstrom was nice enough to give an awful twink like me a few tips and tricks as a hunter, helping me with what gear/enchants I needed etc. I was a pretty lazy twink and if there was an item that was kind of hard to get (anything that would involve me being a ghost and completing quests to not receive xp) I would just buy and alternative on the AH lol. But anyways continuing on, a few people I remember seeing back in those days were Vitalia and Halfbreed (mainly because they were hunters as well), Popbottles and another bloke named Cloud who I would later get to know quite well.

I was always envious of these players for their skill, I guess Minitonka would of looked like a god compared to me at the time but even I could see that they looked a step above the rest of the deadbeats out there. Those days were just carefree; I would do the same thing every time I logged onto wow. Head to the battlemaster and queue up for arena and wsg whilst listening to the hip new song Low by Flo Rida and think I was a living legend of the 19 bracket.

Anyways time past and then xpoff and xpon brackets got separated, me being young and too afraid to ask my parents for money to transfer to Ruin where all my friends were going to I decided to quit WoW.

Let’s fast forward into Cataclysm. Somehow I rediscovered WoW and wanted to begin my adventure once again as a level 19 twink. Being a little bit older and wiser this time I started levelling a main which I got to 90 and I already thought I was a god to accomplish this.

Soon after I made my level 19 Mage which I called Citrium, you Cata Lads may remember me. I transferred over to Bleeding Hollow because I got trolled by the blokes in MGC (Machine Gun Clicks) after they said they would invite me to the guild. Me being pretty moronic and gullable believed them not realising they were mocking me because I was dog shit. Anyways, $30 later and realising I had just got analy raped I asked Ore if I could join his guild called Beantown Bullies. This is where my adventure truly began. I was invited to Btb and soon met some friends within 19s, Discover and Cloud in particular. I remember spending hours upon hours with these two the first time I met them roaming around Dalaran after joining.

I do have a funny story regarding Discover before I become good friends with him. Prior to transferring to BH I had a friend on my original server called Dobzy and we were both the biggest fangirls of Discover ever (apart from that moron Fancy). I remember once doing fake broadcasts pretending I was having a conversation with Discover just to try and show-off that I was actually friends with the Taco /facepalm.

Here is my very first premade ever
BtB vs WT (skip to 2:28 to see my beautiful worgen male) to this day I still have no idea how the duck or why the duck I was even playing and in short we got absolutely annihilated by the great Waw Tawent.

P.S. I would just like to mention Pizza you never responded to a single one of my private messages asking to join your guild (still haven’t forgiven you :p).

Although BtB disbanded, not all was lost... Enter <tRain cOw>. There are many parts of my twinking career that I’m extremely proud of but I think being one of the founding members of TC takes the cake for me. Kitn, Discover, Workz, Maelstrom (initially) and myself broke off from the main group unfortunately leaving our good friend Cloud by himself with his new guild< Up in the Clouds> or some shit. After creating TC I realised that I was never going too premade if I stayed as a mage because Kitn was of course going to play mage. I rerolled a holy paladin with the name Blirz and I began to get pretty popular as a player after this, I felt like I found a class that complimented my playstyle and it showed by how quickly I began to improve in a short amount of time. Kitn was a masterful guild master and with his leadership we quickly made a stance as a top tier guild recruiting the likes of Sodawater, Will 'Zealote' Tucker, The Gnome aka Vettori, Sylvatic, Kunz and later on ol' mate Agonist. I can honestly say these were the best parts of my life hanging out in Skype all night with these boys. We were the self-proclaimed midnight assassins destroying battlegrounds at night while the Americans slept.

This continued for years, I won’t bore you to death with more stories but the end of Cataclysm was looming and Kitn came up with the great idea of ending a dynasty by scheduling the greatest premades in the history of the 19 bracket a few months before the end of Cata. Here is the infamous tRain cOw vs Waw Tawent video
a huge shoutout to one of the best guilds I have ever seen in Noodle Arms, I feel kind of bad stealing all the thunder from these guys but if it wasn’t for them we would of never had the success we did against the conquerors WT. I would share some of the celebratory group screenshots but with a new computer I lost most of the amazing screenshot moments.

With the end of Cataclysm the biggest 19 twink guild to ever brace the bracket fell, and fell to the team I was on, good feeling if I do say so myself. I bet it would be similar to how GSC: Justice would be feeling recently. Cata /end.

I don't really have much to say about 19's during this time period as I wasn’t playing 19's for the majority of it. After having a break from WoW and returning back to 19s I noticed most of my best friends from tRain cOw had quit 19s and with no home to go back to I was greeted with open arms to a guild that I can honestly say is the dead set most skilled and talented group of players I've ever been a part of, of course I'm talking about Tough Love led by Vianco, Nicozy, Arkant and Stubs. I played a few premades on EU and partook in the Clash of the Titans where the best of US grouped up to face TL which of course we won :p.

Eventually my good TL friends started dwindling away from US servers so I joined the revamped Waw Tawent with the new name Skill Ratio. The bracket was going through a rough patch, the game quality wasn’t great and I believe 19s ended up dying at least for a little while. Because of this I started getting into f2p meeting up with my good friends from tRain cOw again Discover, Vettori, Sodawater and Zealote and met some new friends along the way, Hunnybuns in particular. Although 19s was amazing I do have to say f2p during this time was just straight fire, especially when games popped nonstop all day and night.

I found myself improving as a player a lot during this time period having to try and outplay those overpowered 24s. Somewhere during this period we heard of this thing that was going to be created at 19s called the Twink Cup, definitely flagged my interest as premading is my shit. Long story short I ended up playing with my good f2p friends in the first Twink Cup with< Against The World> we did 'ok' nothing special but to us we just wanted to have some fun. MoP /end.

With almost none of my remaining good friends left from over the years I started meeting a new group of mates *incoming shoutouts* Lucas, Skeezin, Aoitsaka and Daddy. I remember meeting Lucas when some prick on TI was trying to talk shit to him because of his low return ratio or some shit saying that he wasn’t a good player because of it..(complete ducking moron), Skeezin I remember ignoring me in Orgrimmar when I tried to say hi to him a few times, he always denies this but I always just thought he was to egotistical to talk to a nobody like myself… haha! Daddy I knew of from 24s, we didn’t start off on the best of terms but this bloke is a literal legend but still a filthy Mexican. Aoitsaka... I remember first seeing him tear me a new asshole as the first defensive WW monk which put him on the map for sure. Super shy at first but soon grew into a big beautiful butterfly; the guy is a mechanical beast.

BOOM 2nd annual year of the twink cup arrives. With the second year we formed a guild called HARVEST with the intention of winning the cup, we were up there being one of the favourites heading into it along with Skill Ratio. However we underperformed and didn’t do as well as expected, R.I.P. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for the people listed above.. Skeezin, Lucas, Aoitsaka, HB, Daddy etc. I definitely wouldn’t have enjoyed my final few years at 19s as much as I did and I’m so glad I got to meet you guys, you’re hilarious. So ya… 2 twink cups and never played in a final so far, RIP MY LIFE.

Fast forward another year and I've met another good friend I’ll never forget in Repulsed, absolute GOD shaman and someone I really went out of my way to try to get to know as he seemed like a super chill guy as well.. Happy I did. This year’s Twink Cup was different for me, for the first time in all the TC’s so far I wasn’t going to play with my mate Hb. The poor bloke got sooo busy with streaming and we started falling out a bit. So now I’m with no guild and most of my friends already have a team they’re playing for so I reach out to one of my oldest friends who has always and I mean ALWAYS been around, Pizza.

Kancer decided not to participate in this year’s TC which left and opening for a 2nd Priest spot in his team and he was nice enough to entrust that spot to me (god forbid or I would of been sitting on the bench like fancy and Taco). As everyone knows SR was coming off a 2-0 Twink Cup record and after we lost in the final I couldn’t help but feel responsible for the loss. Some new bloke comes in and then we lose started to get to me for a bit. But nevertheless it was great fun :). WoD /end.

Well that ended up being a lot longer than expected. If you actually read the entire thing you're the biggest nerd I've ever met.

In the end, I've lost and gained so many amazing friends along my journey in the 19 bracket and as you could tell it’s been a major part of my life for many, many years. It's difficult to say goodbye but I think the timing is right, there aren’t many people I recognise from when I first started playing and I feel that is a pretty decent sign.

I guess this is it lads, I wish you all the best in your endeavours. A special shoutout to everyone I’ve ever met and the guilds I've represented. Beantown Bullies, tRain cOw, Waw Tawent, Tough Love, HARVEST and Skill Ratio. Cya! /sleep

It's a shame. My brother, Unsurpassed, and I would have met you since we knew a lot of twinks back in the day. Him and I used to go by are known names: Bentarrow and Mightymedic before we changed to new twinks when the profession buffs came around, Unsurpassed and Supremebeing/Suprememoo. We left right around the end of Wrath so we only did a few matches before we ended our twinks. I actually remember Pym, I played a few matches with him before but we never really conversed with each other. He was a good healer. He was able to keep up with me along with 2 horde healers whose names I can't remember, Farty, Locke, and two alliance healers. I would definitely say he was one of the best horde priests along with me and a few others in Stormstrike. As for the comment of Halfbreed, I am glad you didn't give him too much credit. While he was good, He hid behind a wall of expensive buffs, a pocket healer, and a false back story to defend the crap he was pulling. For those reasons, I'll never gave him respect. Didn't matter much though because with all those things he still couldn't beat Unsurpassed who was one of the best hunters on the server along with Astol and a few other hunters whose names I also can't remember. It would have been fun to play with new twinks but as it stand the many changes that happened just made it difficult to play twinking so my brother and I retired our toons. Shout out for the twinks I knew were Dotsalot, Farty, Astol, Ganksterz, Stabbykins, Maul, Venivedivici, Twinkster, and whole lot of Alliance and Horde twinks whose names I wish I could remember now. Man its been years.
Hi, I’m Blurz, not sure exactly why I'm making this, I know only my closest friends will read this anyway. I always use to make fun of those attention seeking nerds that made goodbye threads throughout the years but here I am about to do one myself lol. But duck it nothing happens in this bracket anymore anyways.

To set the mood:

I guess I'll start with my very first level 19 twink. Pretty embarrassing really but my first alias as a 19 was with the name Twinkxstar lol. I remember it being around the year 2007 and for some reason I couldn’t level past 19 because I was autistic. I was in grade 7 at the time so I can’t really give a proper explanation as to why I was that moronic but I guess it turned out to be the best thing for me at the time as I discovered level 19 twinks.

I use to chill at the crossroads and duel levellers to show how superior I was! haha! But one day along came this other level 19 priest and made me look like a fool, at the time his name was Pym but was later known by names such as Maelstrom and Hymn which a lot of you may have heard of. This young twink was considered to be one of the best priests during his playing career unbeknownst to me that is. It wasn’t until cataclysm that I found out who he truly was AFTER HE HAD ALREADY QUIT. So R.I.P my life.

But anyway Maelstrom was nice enough to give an awful twink like me a few tips and tricks as a hunter, helping me with what gear/enchants I needed etc. I was a pretty lazy twink and if there was an item that was kind of hard to get (anything that would involve me being a ghost and completing quests to not receive xp) I would just buy and alternative on the AH lol. But anyways continuing on, a few people I remember seeing back in those days were Vitalia and Halfbreed (mainly because they were hunters as well), Popbottles and another bloke named Cloud who I would later get to know quite well.

I was always envious of these players for their skill, I guess Minitonka would of looked like a god compared to me at the time but even I could see that they looked a step above the rest of the deadbeats out there. Those days were just carefree; I would do the same thing every time I logged onto wow. Head to the battlemaster and queue up for arena and wsg whilst listening to the hip new song Low by Flo Rida and think I was a living legend of the 19 bracket.

Anyways time past and then xpoff and xpon brackets got separated, me being young and too afraid to ask my parents for money to transfer to Ruin where all my friends were going to I decided to quit WoW.

Let’s fast forward into Cataclysm. Somehow I rediscovered WoW and wanted to begin my adventure once again as a level 19 twink. Being a little bit older and wiser this time I started levelling a main which I got to 90 and I already thought I was a god to accomplish this.

Soon after I made my level 19 Mage which I called Citrium, you Cata Lads may remember me. I transferred over to Bleeding Hollow because I got trolled by the blokes in MGC (Machine Gun Clicks) after they said they would invite me to the guild. Me being pretty moronic and gullable believed them not realising they were mocking me because I was dog shit. Anyways, $30 later and realising I had just got analy raped I asked Ore if I could join his guild called Beantown Bullies. This is where my adventure truly began. I was invited to Btb and soon met some friends within 19s, Discover and Cloud in particular. I remember spending hours upon hours with these two the first time I met them roaming around Dalaran after joining.

I do have a funny story regarding Discover before I become good friends with him. Prior to transferring to BH I had a friend on my original server called Dobzy and we were both the biggest fangirls of Discover ever (apart from that moron Fancy). I remember once doing fake broadcasts pretending I was having a conversation with Discover just to try and show-off that I was actually friends with the Taco /facepalm.

Here is my very first premade ever
BtB vs WT (skip to 2:28 to see my beautiful worgen male) to this day I still have no idea how the duck or why the duck I was even playing and in short we got absolutely annihilated by the great Waw Tawent.

P.S. I would just like to mention Pizza you never responded to a single one of my private messages asking to join your guild (still haven’t forgiven you :p).

Although BtB disbanded, not all was lost... Enter <tRain cOw>. There are many parts of my twinking career that I’m extremely proud of but I think being one of the founding members of TC takes the cake for me. Kitn, Discover, Workz, Maelstrom (initially) and myself broke off from the main group unfortunately leaving our good friend Cloud by himself with his new guild< Up in the Clouds> or some shit. After creating TC I realised that I was never going too premade if I stayed as a mage because Kitn was of course going to play mage. I rerolled a holy paladin with the name Blirz and I began to get pretty popular as a player after this, I felt like I found a class that complimented my playstyle and it showed by how quickly I began to improve in a short amount of time. Kitn was a masterful guild master and with his leadership we quickly made a stance as a top tier guild recruiting the likes of Sodawater, Will 'Zealote' Tucker, The Gnome aka Vettori, Sylvatic, Kunz and later on ol' mate Agonist. I can honestly say these were the best parts of my life hanging out in Skype all night with these boys. We were the self-proclaimed midnight assassins destroying battlegrounds at night while the Americans slept.

This continued for years, I won’t bore you to death with more stories but the end of Cataclysm was looming and Kitn came up with the great idea of ending a dynasty by scheduling the greatest premades in the history of the 19 bracket a few months before the end of Cata. Here is the infamous tRain cOw vs Waw Tawent video
a huge shoutout to one of the best guilds I have ever seen in Noodle Arms, I feel kind of bad stealing all the thunder from these guys but if it wasn’t for them we would of never had the success we did against the conquerors WT. I would share some of the celebratory group screenshots but with a new computer I lost most of the amazing screenshot moments.

With the end of Cataclysm the biggest 19 twink guild to ever brace the bracket fell, and fell to the team I was on, good feeling if I do say so myself. I bet it would be similar to how GSC: Justice would be feeling recently. Cata /end.

I don't really have much to say about 19's during this time period as I wasn’t playing 19's for the majority of it. After having a break from WoW and returning back to 19s I noticed most of my best friends from tRain cOw had quit 19s and with no home to go back to I was greeted with open arms to a guild that I can honestly say is the dead set most skilled and talented group of players I've ever been a part of, of course I'm talking about Tough Love led by Vianco, Nicozy, Arkant and Stubs. I played a few premades on EU and partook in the Clash of the Titans where the best of US grouped up to face TL which of course we won :p.

Eventually my good TL friends started dwindling away from US servers so I joined the revamped Waw Tawent with the new name Skill Ratio. The bracket was going through a rough patch, the game quality wasn’t great and I believe 19s ended up dying at least for a little while. Because of this I started getting into f2p meeting up with my good friends from tRain cOw again Discover, Vettori, Sodawater and Zealote and met some new friends along the way, Hunnybuns in particular. Although 19s was amazing I do have to say f2p during this time was just straight fire, especially when games popped nonstop all day and night.

I found myself improving as a player a lot during this time period having to try and outplay those overpowered 24s. Somewhere during this period we heard of this thing that was going to be created at 19s called the Twink Cup, definitely flagged my interest as premading is my shit. Long story short I ended up playing with my good f2p friends in the first Twink Cup with< Against The World> we did 'ok' nothing special but to us we just wanted to have some fun. MoP /end.

With almost none of my remaining good friends left from over the years I started meeting a new group of mates *incoming shoutouts* Lucas, Skeezin, Aoitsaka and Daddy. I remember meeting Lucas when some prick on TI was trying to talk shit to him because of his low return ratio or some shit saying that he wasn’t a good player because of it..(complete ducking moron), Skeezin I remember ignoring me in Orgrimmar when I tried to say hi to him a few times, he always denies this but I always just thought he was to egotistical to talk to a nobody like myself… haha! Daddy I knew of from 24s, we didn’t start off on the best of terms but this bloke is a literal legend but still a filthy Mexican. Aoitsaka... I remember first seeing him tear me a new asshole as the first defensive WW monk which put him on the map for sure. Super shy at first but soon grew into a big beautiful butterfly; the guy is a mechanical beast.

BOOM 2nd annual year of the twink cup arrives. With the second year we formed a guild called HARVEST with the intention of winning the cup, we were up there being one of the favourites heading into it along with Skill Ratio. However we underperformed and didn’t do as well as expected, R.I.P. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for the people listed above.. Skeezin, Lucas, Aoitsaka, HB, Daddy etc. I definitely wouldn’t have enjoyed my final few years at 19s as much as I did and I’m so glad I got to meet you guys, you’re hilarious. So ya… 2 twink cups and never played in a final so far, RIP MY LIFE.

Fast forward another year and I've met another good friend I’ll never forget in Repulsed, absolute GOD shaman and someone I really went out of my way to try to get to know as he seemed like a super chill guy as well.. Happy I did. This year’s Twink Cup was different for me, for the first time in all the TC’s so far I wasn’t going to play with my mate Hb. The poor bloke got sooo busy with streaming and we started falling out a bit. So now I’m with no guild and most of my friends already have a team they’re playing for so I reach out to one of my oldest friends who has always and I mean ALWAYS been around, Pizza.

Kancer decided not to participate in this year’s TC which left and opening for a 2nd Priest spot in his team and he was nice enough to entrust that spot to me (god forbid or I would of been sitting on the bench like fancy and Taco). As everyone knows SR was coming off a 2-0 Twink Cup record and after we lost in the final I couldn’t help but feel responsible for the loss. Some new bloke comes in and then we lose started to get to me for a bit. But nevertheless it was great fun :). WoD /end.

Well that ended up being a lot longer than expected. If you actually read the entire thing you're the biggest nerd I've ever met.

In the end, I've lost and gained so many amazing friends along my journey in the 19 bracket and as you could tell it’s been a major part of my life for many, many years. It's difficult to say goodbye but I think the timing is right, there aren’t many people I recognise from when I first started playing and I feel that is a pretty decent sign.

I guess this is it lads, I wish you all the best in your endeavours. A special shoutout to everyone I’ve ever met and the guilds I've represented. Beantown Bullies, tRain cOw, Waw Tawent, Tough Love, HARVEST and Skill Ratio. Cya! /sleep

It's a shame. My brother, Unsurpassed, and I would have met you since we knew a lot of twinks back in the day. Him and I used to go by are known names: Bentarrow and Mightymedic before we changed to new twinks when the profession buffs came around, Unsurpassed and Supremebeing/Suprememoo. We left right around the end of Wrath so we only did a few matches before we ended our twinks. I actually remember Pym, I played a few matches with him before but we never really conversed with each other. He was a good healer. He was able to keep up with me along with 2 horde healers whose names I can't remember, Farty, Locke, and two alliance healers. I would definitely say he was one of the best horde priests along with me and a few others in Stormstrike.

As for the comment of Halfbreed, I am glad you didn't give him too much credit. While he was good, He hid behind a wall of expensive buffs, a pocket healer, and a false back story to defend the crap he was pulling. For those reasons, I'll never gave him respect. Didn't matter much though because with all those things he still couldn't beat Unsurpassed who was one of the best hunters on the server along with Astol and a few other hunters whose names I also can't remember. It would have been fun to play with new twinks but as it stand the many changes that happened just made it difficult to play twinking so my brother and I retired our toons. Shout out for the twinks I knew were Dotsalot, Farty, Astol, Ganksterz, Stabbykins, Maul, Venivedivici, Twinkster, and whole lot of Alliance and Horde twinks whose names I wish I could remember now. Man its been years.
It's a shame. My brother, Unsurpassed, and I would have met you since we knew a lot of twinks back in the day. Him and I used to go by are known names: Bentarrow and Mightymedic before we changed to new twinks when the profession buffs came around, Unsurpassed and Supremebeing/Suprememoo. We left right around the end of Wrath so we only did a few matches before we ended our twinks. I actually remember Pym, I played a few matches with him before but we never really conversed with each other. He was a good healer. He was able to keep up with me along with 2 horde healers whose names I can't remember, Farty, Locke, and two alliance healers. I would definitely say he was one of the best horde priests along with me and a few others in Stormstrike. As for the comment of Halfbreed, I am glad you didn't give him too much credit. While he was good, He hid behind a wall of expensive buffs, a pocket healer, and a false back story to defend the crap he was pulling. For those reasons, I'll never gave him respect. Didn't matter much though because with all those things he still couldn't beat Unsurpassed who was one of the best hunters on the server along with Astol and a few other hunters whose names I also can't remember. It would have been fun to play with new twinks but as it stand the many changes that happened just made it difficult to play twinking so my brother and I retired our toons. Shout out for the twinks I knew were Dotsalot, Farty, Astol, Ganksterz, Stabbykins, Maul, Venivedivici, Twinkster, and whole lot of Alliance and Horde twinks whose names I wish I could remember now. Man its been years.

Thats a lot of old names. I've kept in touch with a lot of them. Iocke, Farty, Astol(naid), freedomfry, etc i still talk to occasionally. I was miragified/muskie

good times

Thats a lot of old names. I've kept in touch with a lot of them. Iocke, Farty, Astol(naid), freedomfry, etc i still talk to occasionally. I was miragified/muskie

good times

I think I do remember you but it has been a long time since then and I forget names along the way. Like, I remember these two Gnome Rogues that played together and they made it their mission to end me because I was that huge of a threat in their games. I got to talk to them and they were such a joy to talk to. I remember my brother and I palling around with a few No Dice members in the past. Some of the No Dice members were really good. There were only two No Dice members I didn't like and one of them was a pocket healer for Halfbreed. Though I have heard of you Muskie I guess we never really got to play together that much.
well I had a lot of fun playing wsg with u in cata. you will be missed. I find my self thinking of all the past x pac's and find my self missing a lot of the twinks through out the yrs I got to play against or with in wsg. :(

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