My Twink Dinged to 20! :''(


My twink dinged to lvl20 what do i do??

Please! help me......
make a new twink :p

I cant cuz my main is on other realm
You're only option was a small window of oppurtunity that you've probably let slip by already. You should have logged off, deleted that character asap and then relogged with a diff character on the same server, create a ticket and try and get your character restored.

Sorry to hear your misfortunes.
Mother Goose said:
You're only option was a small window of oppurtunity that you've probably let slip by already. You should have logged off, deleted that character asap and then relogged with a diff character on the same server, create a ticket and try and get your character restored.

Sorry to hear your misfortunes.


its the only thing you can do, you might still be lucky
I didn't knew the noble questes was given Exp and then i maked one of them and dinged.....

That was pretty noobie that I was doing .....-.- :'''(
hehe, I never do a quest on a twink unless i'm 100% positive it doesn't give exp.

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