My Transmog Set and how to do it (BoA's)

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Hey, this is my transmog set
(For my level 5 mage <3)

How to do it:

1. Put the BoA you want to transmog and the item on your main (Or whoever is high enough to use that high level item)

2. Equip the Boa, and do the normal transmogrification.

3. Go to a mailbox, and then drag the item into the mail, (dont take from backpack!)

4. Go on alt and wear new pro gear

My Items:

Hat; Bloodsail Admiral's Hat (First Mate's Hat also works.)

Shoulders: Felstone Mantle

Chest: Will of Edward the Odd

Weapon: Wrathful Gladiator's Focus Staff

I got it on my first go, besides my shoulders, which took 2 goes.

GL Guys, and do it before it gets fixed
(Hopefully they don't get rid of previously made sets!)

Fluffeh <3
i was able to xmorg my stuff too
boa gear was supposed to lose transmog if mailed, etc. iirc. so if this still works my advice is do it while it still works....unless the notes changed

also, if you go to transmog ur gear make sure you have on your "real" set and that you have your desired transmog gear in your bags. then go to the etherals and transmog. you'll have on your real gear and you can choose to pick your desired gear (or any other gear that fits the armor requirement) to transmog it. costs gold, then it's done. if youre wearing your desired transmog gear at the start the only options will be to change it into the gear in your bags, so that could cause some confusion
so whats the trick on the helm?

did your steps 1-4 twice....each time alt has a wiped BOA helm

cloth BOA helm...x-morg to on main twice
@Shanker - There shouldn't be any problem with that helmet, just make sure on ur main that its equipped when you open up the mailbox, and then drag it from your character stat screen.

If you have more troubles, PM me, ill be glad to help

also, you won't see it as transmorg'd in your mailbox, you have to actually take the mail out then you'll see the xmorg flavor text
Shit, I should have read these threads earlier.. Im at school atm so cant connect to WoW... Im praying that they dont have this changed for another 6 hours :S
it worked for me for the shoulders, dotn feel like paying 400g for the head, so just doing shoulders for now
This is what I noticed while mogging my gear.

1. You cannot mail more than 1 mogged BOA gear successfully, or else only the first item will be mogged. (do it 1 item at a time)

2. Shift + click mail (auto loot) strips mogg as well.

3. As said previously: need to drag from character pannel directly to mailbox.

Idk if that was just for me, but those 3 factors might explain why you need to do several tries. Once I figured those out, I got everything the first shot.
This is what I noticed while mogging my gear.

1. You cannot mail more than 1 mogged BOA gear successfully, or else only the first item will be mogged. (do it 1 item at a time)

This is completely inaccurate, I mailed a Skullstealer Greataxe + Tier 12 Paladin, Head, Shoulders and Chestplate in one go and they all got through fine.
This is what I noticed while mogging my gear.

1. You cannot mail more than 1 mogged BOA gear successfully, or else only the first item will be mogged. (do it 1 item at a time)

2. Shift + click mail (auto loot) strips mogg as well.

3. As said previously: need to drag from character pannel directly to mailbox.

Idk if that was just for me, but those 3 factors might explain why you need to do several tries. Once I figured those out, I got everything the first shot.

1. I was able to do both BoA maces in the same mail.

2. I had this same experience too. Shift-Click = strip

3. This has worked 100% of the time for me on everything but helms. Those have all taken me 2+ times
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