So some of you may or may not know that I love music. The "music lover" badge was the first one I got (idk what happened to it, but idgaf either lol) I've posted everything from the Bad Brains, Circle Jerks, Subhumans to Death Metal/Black Metal to Black Thought from The Roots. Some of you might remember me rapping over a beat that a user by the name of Apnea posted in a thread waaaayyyy back. I've since removed the video because I wanted to use some of those lines on songs and I thought it might be kinda whack to use them if they were already in a freestyle. Anyways, I've finally decided to start sharing my instrumentals and I'll be posting some lyricism as well. I know there's quite a few here that love music as much as or more so than me, so I figured I might as well make a thread here to let people know. And, I already have face tats, so why not Soundcloud?
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Please let me know if you fucks with it.
#Freeasaprocky #Freeflaco #Freerocky #hashtagsdontevenworkherelol