My Personal Free 2 Play Twink Blog

Let's try this one more time.

*Thirk casts Resurrection.*
YAY! IAT's back :3

Thanks IAT! I enjoyed it. I'm a newb, but I do disagree with one of your statements: "I recommend picking up Skinning and Leatherworking while you're leveling and skinning everything, you will be able to skip this entire ordeal and will probably be able to drop them right after you hit 20 and pick up Enchanting."

I've found this to be very uneconomical. Starting with skinning+leathering is wasting an opportunity to gather mats for a second prof while you're leveling. Having leatherworking while you're skinning doesn't do anything to speed the process of getting however many armor kits you want to stockpile.

It makes more sense to me to have two gathering profs so you're in a position to power-level two crafting profs when you're ready to dump skinning. The only disadvantage I can see is that if you planned on gathering 160 light leathers to powerlevel, and you really needed 161, because one skillup didn't proc, you're kinda stuck either picking skinning back up, or hunting for chests (so stock some extras).

I would think one of these two routes would be more advisable (basically keeping a gathering prof unti you're completely done with it):

LEVELING PHASE (by the time you're done with the first step, you'll probably be lvl20 and in a position to power-level leatherworking and get most the way through enchanting. As you finish off enchanting, you'll still be in a position to gather higher-end mats for either pots or bombs. I think the first phase is pretty economical and probably makes sense for most everyone looking for an efficient route. ):


  1. skinning+herbing, until you have enough mats for your armor kits
  2. leatherworking+herbing, to make your armor kits
  3. enchanting+herbing, to make your enchants


  1. skinning+mining, until you have enough mats for your armor kits
  2. leatherworking+mining, to make your armor kits
  3. enchanting+mining, to make your enchants

MAX LEVEL PHASE (from here, a toon's profs are way more individualized and its all driven by what the player wants, but here's some general ideas. You could do them all, or just jump to the bottom step of the route you chose, or end up with two crafting profs after you've banked a ton of mats. Its all up to the individual).


  1. inscription+herbing, to make scrolls
  2. alchemy+herbing, to make your pots


  1. blacksmithing+mining, to make some stones
  2. jewelcrafting+mining to make statues
  3. engineering+mining, to make your bombs

now, yeah, if you choose to do all the consumable profs and live off your stockpiles, you're most definately going to have to go back to farm like a monkey. But for more casuals who just want to get to one main crafting prof, you should never really have to farm starter mats as you got them all while you leveled (because you leveled with either skinning+herbalism or skinning+mining).
heath said:
Thanks IAT! I enjoyed it. I'm a newb, but I do disagree with one of your statements: "I recommend picking up Skinning and Leatherworking while you're leveling and skinning everything, you will be able to skip this entire ordeal and will probably be able to drop them right after you hit 20 and pick up Enchanting."

I've found this to be very uneconomical. Starting with skinning+leathering is wasting an opportunity to gather mats for a second prof while you're leveling. Having leatherworking while you're skinning doesn't do anything to speed the process of getting however many armor kits you want to stockpile.

It makes more sense to me to have two gathering profs so you're in a position to power-level two crafting profs when you're ready to dump skinning. The only disadvantage I can see is that if you planned on gathering 160 light leathers to powerlevel, and you really needed 161, because one skillup didn't proc, you're kinda stuck either picking skinning back up, or hunting for chests (so stock some extras).

I would think one of these two routes would be more advisable (basically keeping a gathering prof unti you're completely done with it):

LEVELING PHASE (by the time you're done with the first step, you'll probably be lvl20 and in a position to power-level leatherworking and get most the way through enchanting. As you finish off enchanting, you'll still be in a position to gather higher-end mats for either pots or bombs. I think the first phase is pretty economical and probably makes sense for most everyone looking for an efficient route. ):


  1. skinning+herbing, until you have enough mats for your armor kits
  2. leatherworking+herbing, to make your armor kits
  3. enchanting+herbing, to make your enchants


  1. skinning+mining, until you have enough mats for your armor kits
  2. leatherworking+mining, to make your armor kits
  3. enchanting+mining, to make your enchants

MAX LEVEL PHASE (from here, a toon's profs are way more individualized and its all driven by what the player wants, but here's some general ideas. You could do them all, or just jump to the bottom step of the route you chose, or end up with two crafting profs after you've banked a ton of mats. Its all up to the individual).


  1. inscription+herbing, to make scrolls
  2. alchemy+herbing, to make your pots


  1. blacksmithing+mining, to make some stones
  2. jewelcrafting+mining to make statues
  3. engineering+mining, to make your bombs

now, yeah, if you choose to do all the consumable profs and live off your stockpiles, you're most definately going to have to go back to farm like a monkey. But for more casuals who just want to get to one main crafting prof, you should never really have to farm starter mats as you got them all while you leveled (because you leveled with either skinning+herbalism or skinning+mining).

You're right, it's much better take 2 gathering professions. Having to go back to skinning for leather isn't so bad either, I had to do it once already, and since you can get light leather off the bat it's not a big deal. Your second gathering prof should be one you're going to keep. I'll be sure to mention this in my next post. Thanks.
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New post after another small break. Once I get my epic FC hunter video done I'll post it up along with some other neat tricks. Also requesting a move to the F2P section.
Updated with some cool and interesting buffs/items most people haven't heard of.

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