My newest achivement: That takes Class!

And I didnt pay someone with a horde DK to jump off a ledge and let me finish them off, either. . .

Here's how it happened: the horde were in IF, and I was working on "City Defender". The way I do this is: find a horde who is low on health, and try to hit him with my wand. If I am successful (and usually it misses), and if I dont get killed first, I will get credit for the kill. I am at 9 of 50 so far.

I do provide useful services as well--my dispells work on any level, and so I can help my allies and dispell horde buffs too. Which is what happened here. I dispelled all the buffs on a belf DK, and just started abently hitting her with my wand. I guess I just got lucky on timing!

As of the time I am posting this (like 3 seconds after it happened) my armory has not yet updated--but eventually it will, so here is a link:

The World of Warcraft Armory

Edit: my boyfriend heard me scream accross the apartment
Hehe! Thats great! Congratulations

This is how I got it:

Before, you could go into WG as a level 19, so I went with a raid, 2minutes into my first WG, and bam! The achievement :D
I got 2 twinks w/ that achievment and my newest twink who I haven't pvp'd w/ yet already has a Death Knight HK, but I didn't pay anyone off.

First: Bloodshoteye

Middle: Overshadowed

Last: Unbalanced


Bloodshoteye was outside of the AH in Org and an Ally DK rode by and I put serpent sting on him when he went past. Then other horde killed him but guess my sting made the KB.

Overshadowed while leveling I was at X-roads and a DK was attacking it, so I spammed smite while a 80 was attacking him. Guess I got lucky on the last smite because I kept getting resisted

Unbalanced did pretty much the same as Overshadowed, a DK was attacking X-roads and I spammed wrath while an 80 horde was attacking.
On my 49 retadin (gradius), Allys were attacking XRoads and a 60-or so DK was among them. He was down to about a third of health and I did the usual retadin burst-down without a single miss :)
On Vin, I hangout alot in Goldshire for lolz. Commonly, GS comes under attack. There was a DK attacking I moonfired until it hit him..then hid until he died :D
Got it on lilgradius, my 29 retwinkadin, the other day. An 80 DK was running through Org and I got lucky and landed the killing blow :D
PROTIP: you don't actually have to get the Killing Blow, just tag them before they die.
"Get an honorable, killing blow on one of each class."

WoW lies?? It looked like I got the KB...
It seems that way to me, when i got it it was during a raid on org, all i did was hide behind thrall's throne and chuck spears. 99% sure i didn't actually get a KB.
investigating it now

EDIT: It seems like the news is true. More than one person can earn this achievement off of a single kill.

And I was sooo "lolwut" about getting this on my 29 earlier :(

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