Guild Master
I'm gonna wait until the next patch to finish him so I can get both my pet and my staff. kthx.
Subpar said:My banks gonna get 2x AGM next patch, wdup
Yansa said:Don't forget Medicine Pouch and Lucky Fishing Hat.
canihascookie said:Fishing requires atleast level 5 or are we talking about Iaccidentallytwink's hunter?
Evocate said:Keep in mind I think you can Ambassador now right? Or does turn ins equal exp too? Thirk, I kinda want to make a 14 rogue, is it a bad idea? I noticed 16 has more gear options, but the idea of having a lower level twink and still doing well appeals to me.
Evocate said:Hmm all right. Do you have a char plan laid out or should I try and make my own?
Evocate said:Oh okay, any particular reason why I should do lvl 13? I assume it just scaled better then 14 without much of a gear loss? Either way thanks xD