My Healer UI


I'm thinking of making a really little guide to set up a xperl healer raidframe wich should look like this:


As I see way to much healer twinks without any addon, and it greatly helped me to get some skills :p

I just wanna know if I should make it or not :)

Looks nice, though I don't like that it shows damage instead of HP. You can easily overheal with that set-up, and you don't want that.
I'm one of those healer twinks who hasn't developed a good UI yet, and would love to see an addon like this. Also, as long as the health bars show the full bar, I would indeed prefer the numbers to show damage, as that will give me a better sense of how close I am to an overheal.


Grid is a comprehensive addon that can be configured to show damage taken while organizing all of your raid members. I'd recommend checking it out.
that ui is way to cluttered.... id suggest grid or healbot instead and turn party frames off in raid..... just the way i like it
Healbot is terrible for both PvE and PvP. All you need is pitbull and grid and keybound heal spells. Click person, press keybind, circle.
I've found out how to get the raid group beneath the party frames, but I still don't know how to make them grey when they're out of range?
Luka said:
Healbot > All other healing addons no matter what any other non 80/non healer says.

I use Grid, am 80 and am a healer. Haven't had any issues with Grid and it does everything that I need (shows people, debuffs to dispel, and damage taken). You don't need much else as a healer.

In terms of pvp healing, grid is superior in a raid setting. In arenas I still use the party frames since they seem to be the most accurate and are larger.
grid is a must for any healer indeed. it far surpasses x-pearl and the default blizz raid ui. Am not sure about how it compares to pittbull raids frames though (are they already working in the new version? and if so, are they that bad?). Compared to the old pittbull id say that grid is better at least.

But its ability to show just what you can dispel/cure is really handy. Also the limited size prevents the frame from cluttering your screen

Clique sounds like an imba add-on, might actually try it.

Else you can always write it into a macro. I think it was something like

/cast [target=mouseover] "spell name" (pls correct me if I am wrong btw)

and then bind the macro
......guys... I'm just wondering how you're getting the raid names to be grey when the're out of line?

This is from X-pearl

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