Well, one way to discourage alliance from rolling more huntards is a creation of a horde "punitive premade group" made up from only hunters.Just for the pure sake of lolz. 15 horde hunters in AB will definitely force
ally huntards tremble in fear or even rage quit game (yay, mission accomplished!!! )[/QUOTE]
you are one wierd individual...
not what i have anything against horde(the are simple reskins of ragdolls ) like say Sas vs spetsnaz in CoDbut when people start taking roleplay n stuff to a whole different level
pfft weirdos.Not to mention i just did a 10 bg sample to compare horde to ally hunter ratio and horde had
horde hunters-45
ally -48
did a 24 ratio aswell
15 24s in all bgs
ally had 4