Multiboxing - From a GM


I reported one of the blatant multiboxers from Area 52 -- 1 lvl 24 healer, and 4 lvl 20 hunters. I meantioned the botmaster by name, and 2 or 3 of his robots. I didn't specify that not only where the hunterbots /following, but attacking and fighting in a coordinated manner (probably should have mentioned that, for reasons you will see). Here's the response that was e-mailed to me.

The status of your Customer Support ticket #18640196 has changed to Resolved.

You can view your ticket details by logging into World of Warcraft, or by clicking the link below:

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This is the latest response from Customer Support:

Hi there Earthpig,

Thank you for contacting the Game Master Department. Please accept my sincerest apologies for being unable to speak with you personally about your ticket today.

Multiboxing is the practice of controlling multiple accounts at once, usually by leading with one character and having other characters on /follow. At this time controlling multiple accounts simultaneously is not considered to be a violation of policies. However, automation of gameplay is, and I will be investigating this matter further to ensure that no automation of gameplay is occurring.

If you still have other questions or concerns pertaining to this issue, feel free to use the 'Need More Help' option, and we'll respond as quickly as possible. Otherwise, please click 'Message Read'.


Game Master Nalimuas

Blizzard Entertainment

So because I didn't mention that the hunters where responding in a coordinated manner, and thus the GM did not discuss it, it is unclear at this time (AFAIK) if 4 characters simultaneously following the commands of one human person is considered "automation of gameplay".
I think there's a huge difference between having them on follow and having them all use the exact same abilities at once on the same target, almost one shotting anything. Of course, automation is a bot program, like the ones that run to mid and start healing themselves. That's not what this MB is doing. Yes, it's cheap, yes, it's pathetic. From my understanding of Blizz's rules, it's not a problem.
iaccidentallytwink said:
>he thinks multiboxing is against ToS

>He doesn't seem to think having one toon on /follow while the higher level toon runs the former through a dungeon is different from what we see with the hunterbots in BG.
earthpig said:
>He doesn't seem to think having one toon on /follow while the higher level toon runs the former through a dungeon is different from what we see with the hunterbots in BG.

>he thinks I'm an idiot
leotseddap said:
Oh, Valvia level 24 now or is it just a new toon? if not, expect the 3 hunters to go level 24 2 ><

I just got done watching ur sig. I watched it twice now. Makes me wanna watch lotr
The hunters are still level 20, and are on free accounts, the priest, now shaman, is on a paid account.
Aradiel said:
The hunters are still level 20, and are on free accounts, the priest, now shaman, is on a paid account.

And the priest, now shaman, still sucks.

Who would have thought?
Mrcer said:
I just got done watching ur sig. I watched it twice now. Makes me wanna watch lotr

I hope youre gonna watch the extended versions, they are the best ^^ Hope the hobbit comes soon, i cant wait :(

The hunters are still level 20, and are on free accounts, the priest, now shaman, is on a paid account.

Havent played much at night lately to see it, well at day time for the us boys that is :)

But imao, i wonder how he plays with shaman, he gotta cast now more often then just popping a shield :)
seen alot of multi-boxers (MB's) since 2007.

most of the time, they are as the GM stated, 4 on follow, doing attacks that the main player targets, etc. normally you can take them down by getting the followers usually with ease or focusing on the main

the shaman/healer with hunters MB's way beyond that and player is using scripts, what if logic reactions....hence automation.

the shaman is the main, we were on him and his hunters, 2 of our rogues ambushed 2 of the hunters...the 2 attacked simultaneously DE'd scattered, conc and burned the rogues down, shaman was healing refreshing earthshields and 1 of they hunters remained shooting our group, then the other 2 after waxing our rogues rejoined attacking us.

another scenario: rogues AMB'd the shaman....instantly 3 hunters scattered both rogues, DE'd, conc, etc and burned them down....ran back to shaman.

if you watch closely the hunters will auto attack "separate" attackers, instantly react to those that pop from stealth....automated/scripts

no way this shaman is tabbing thru each target, while using macros to self spam healing surge, and refresh ES on 4 players and linking thru macros the hunter attacks on separate targets at times instantly at the same time.

even on a sap of the shaman, the hunters like auto detect, auto mark/scatter etc.

if he is reading this, he has the most sophisticated MB i have ever seen to date., but IMO is not within TOS as blizzard allows them

anyone doing a GM ticket, or a GM email needs to describe what they are seeing and what is happening automaticlly
The 25th highest 5s team on Ruin is a holy pally and four multi boxing DKs. This isn't really related to your problem but I just wanted to share that after getting farmed by them. :eek:
i could see that, what is nice about the DKs is that they pretty much self heal.

paladin can target players, use macros to self heal or shock/wog heal a DK as needed, were as the DK attack thru their macro rotation cycle linked to the paladins targeting

should you see them doing stuff similar to what i mentioned above where they auto react/respond and roll thru scripts....i would report them too
Yeah the amount of cleave damage they do is insane, doesn't help that the pally healing them is a glad either. I don't really care enough to report them personaly. It was funny seeing four Death Knights Death Grip the same target though.
Quelfep said:
too much grenfont in this thread

>he doesn't enjoy greentext

>he calls it greenfont
Historically multiboxing has been allowed because it was more revenue for blizzard, it'll be interesting to see if they change their policy now.

But anyways, "automation" simply means the computer making decisions on when or which spells to use.

If all spell casts correspond directly to a human's key press then it's allowed, cloning keypresses (to do the same thing on multiple characters) is allowed
iplayforfree said:
But anyways, "automation" simply means the computer making decisions on when or which spells to use.

Which is not allowed unless all scripts are ran in-game. From what I'm hearing he's not very skilled at the game and multiboxing in general so I'd believe he is running outside scripts because what shanker describes is simply not possible in-game, which is very against ToS.

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