Long time lurker, just signed up here.This morning I received notice that my Wow accounts were banned for exploitive activity/Unauthorized programs.
Here is the truth. Like many here I run more than one account. I do not use any automated programs, no multiboxing programs and only addons from CurseForge (standard QOL things like DBM etc.) I do not log into spawn areas with multiple toon and burn down mobs for hours, never enter instances or BG with more than one toon (unless I am alone). Generally I only actually multi-box when I want to fly my 20 to some location, I hardly ever log into more than one account at a time. Everyone that gets this sort of ban says "I did not do anything wrong" but honestly, I did not.
Since I know many folks with vet twinks run more than one account, wondering if this has happened to anyone else since the patch that talked about multiboxing. I am a long time subscriber to WoW, I have played the way I describe above for multiple expansions, just me and PVE mostly, never bothering anyone. Blizz has lost its mind treating folks like this in such an arbitrary manner.
The only thing I ever did that would get me any attention is run Islands with my lvl 40 pally twink so add levels to his neck. I was never a jerk there, never pulled the entire island (unless the other two players were goofing off on the boat the entire match). I did not even take my 20s into BGs or instances with others.
No automated software, not hardware tricks, no camping spawn sites, not antics in groups...no 'nothing', and bam, ban hammer.
Anyone with a similar experience? All y'all that run multiple accounts and have toons with multiple years of history and many hours of work ought to beware.
I submitted a ticket to Blizz, but honestly unless they fix this very fast this might just be the end of Wow for me. I had everything in-game I needed wanted to play just as I wanted, a guild, all the mats, all the toons with all the specs and profs I needed to just play like I wanted and not bother anyone.
Here is the truth. Like many here I run more than one account. I do not use any automated programs, no multiboxing programs and only addons from CurseForge (standard QOL things like DBM etc.) I do not log into spawn areas with multiple toon and burn down mobs for hours, never enter instances or BG with more than one toon (unless I am alone). Generally I only actually multi-box when I want to fly my 20 to some location, I hardly ever log into more than one account at a time. Everyone that gets this sort of ban says "I did not do anything wrong" but honestly, I did not.
Since I know many folks with vet twinks run more than one account, wondering if this has happened to anyone else since the patch that talked about multiboxing. I am a long time subscriber to WoW, I have played the way I describe above for multiple expansions, just me and PVE mostly, never bothering anyone. Blizz has lost its mind treating folks like this in such an arbitrary manner.
The only thing I ever did that would get me any attention is run Islands with my lvl 40 pally twink so add levels to his neck. I was never a jerk there, never pulled the entire island (unless the other two players were goofing off on the boat the entire match). I did not even take my 20s into BGs or instances with others.
No automated software, not hardware tricks, no camping spawn sites, not antics in groups...no 'nothing', and bam, ban hammer.
Anyone with a similar experience? All y'all that run multiple accounts and have toons with multiple years of history and many hours of work ought to beware.
I submitted a ticket to Blizz, but honestly unless they fix this very fast this might just be the end of Wow for me. I had everything in-game I needed wanted to play just as I wanted, a guild, all the mats, all the toons with all the specs and profs I needed to just play like I wanted and not bother anyone.