Multibox Hunter 19 : It's not even funny.


(nice life)
And this right here would be why I'm glad I play alliance...
I agree with Coolzo, I am sad that it has been done - but I am more sad that I myself am unable to multi-box xD It would be sooooo much fun!!!! 5 of any class would be sweet, 5 druids in 3.2 with like max sp and moonfire glyph.../drool
hunters arn't bad for me, but rogues pwn druid in arena, but that will all be changed in patch 3.2 with travel form :D
DragonSD said:
If you take out the leader of the box hunters does it fall apart?

Sometimes. It depends on the user, some boxers are good, some are bad. "Better" boxers will switch leader rather quickly and continue on with life and re-group with the other hunter when they have a spare second, but on the other hand, a bad boxer will freak out and they will most likely get scattered and all get slowly picked off.
There's been someone on Shadowburn doing this, take down the leader and the rest don't know what to do.
Frosty said:
There's been someone on Shadowburn doing this, take down the leader and the rest don't know what to do.

That's hard with another 4 hunters on you.

I mean one is hard enough isn't it?

But seriously, 5 dualboxing hunters is nasty.
Hows is that ruining it? He is using available game mechanics that Blizzard did not foresee -- much like we are :)
Intari said:
Hows is that ruining it? He is using available game mechanics that Blizzard did not foresee -- much like we are :)

did I say he was exploiting?

As you should know, hunters are ridiculously OP at 19. Almost god mode. Now put 5 of them in control of 1 person and almost everyone is at ~1k health? I'll give you about 3-5 seconds before you die. gg.

How is that remotely fun or competitive?
I am shocked no one from Twink Info the guild has posted this.


We are not sure if it was mutibox or more likely a bot program but it sure as hell wasn't 9 separate hunters. We figured the Pally was the person and all the Draini hunters were the bot. Either way it was 100% disgusting. They would INSTANTLY target anyone in range and you would see 5+ Flamingos anal rape you along with the hail of arrows pwning you. They would all jump off set from each other at a set intervals and it was just straight amazing and disturbing at the same time.
So it's someone 9 boxing (10 boxing if that 19 warrior is included) hunters. "they jump off set from each other at a set intervals" that is part of multiboxing, if you've ever looking into it - click of one button and your characters spread out in a formation of your choosing. I can see why people hate multi-boxers, ESPECIALLY level 19 hunter multiboxing, but I personally love it :p I think it's really cool and am uber jealous because I can't do it - lols

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