MrCer has joined back and Streaming again!

Streaming again! Playing as Rdruid FCing


Showing off EotS wall-jumps that you've probably never seen and WSG FCing as well :)
Stream is on.


Going to que up for some AB/WSG/EotS as Rdruid. Also showing some off my Farming spots for alchemy/food.

streaming 3s! We have like 4-5 teams queing wargames!

streaming 3s with BOP, Oldspike and myself :)
Restoration Druid back and streaming! Twitch

Weakest Healer or Strongest Hybrid? I'll let you decide.

Back to back AV streaming :)
Streaming Live 10vs10 Wargame. Horde vs Alliance.

Boomkin PoV!

Enjoy! Twitch

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