Moving from 19-39 Priest

Hey guys Decided after 2 nd a bit long years at the 19 bracket, Time to move on upto the 39 bracket.

Along with this move i bring no Experience or skill or Ideas whatsoever.

I have played at 19, 29, 49 brackets so 39 is a whole new experience for me and i hope i can enjoy it as much as 19.

I will be looking for an active Guild that plays the 39 bracket, I'm currently on Zenedar Eu (Dead Server) atm.I am gonna be willing to move anywhere where theres a Competitive Battlegroup and nice Atmosphere for competition.

I will be playing priest, as with Alongside druid the only 2 class's i have fully played with, But was just wondering if anyone had any Priest 39 guides, preferebly holy (Dunno what priests are mainly used for at 39), Any advice on gear, enchants etc etc.

If you need an active priest , gimme a shout Via pm or Post up here, and if you guys can Gimme any lowdown on this bracket.

Thanks for reading guys,


<Ordo Disilluminati>:cool:
I might join ya Liam :)

2k to ding on my rogue :|


Were so going for Ambassador though!

Might move my old 19 mage up to 39 if you come to Darksorrow.

I'll fund ya.
The priest guide that Jayden made that is in the guides section on this very website is where every new 39 twink priest should start. Its not perfect but is better than most guides ive read and will definatly get you moving on your way.

39 is much more exciting than 19s for a priest (ive got a 19 and a 39 priest) so much more to work with and youll never want to go back.
Zvits mana pool is incredibly shady. 3300 mana would be minimum Id be looking for on a disc priest, but more along the lines of 3700-4200 range. I realize part of this is due to spec, but still. Id probably not use Zvit as a basis for building a priest. Id have you look at my priest, but hes Shadow atm...maybe Zenbox.


this ones not bad


Later on today ill hop on my priest and put on disc gear and such.
well, he is goin 39 alliance EU and willing to transfer...why not talking to an experienced and very good priest that is officer of a recruiting guild?

i dont think that zvit has to justify his gear. if he decides to wear a set with less mana, he has reasons for it.

zvit is definately one of the priests i would talk to before making my own priest.
First of all, welcome to the 39 bracket Decieved!:)

You mention that you're looking for an active guild that plays the 39-bracket, and to that question I can only say that Cyclone might probably be the most active 39-bracket, not with arena though (even we in MYL are trying to push some activity into it). There's other Bgs like Nightfall etc, but honestly I do not know enough about their current condition to say something reliable. If you consider rerolling alliance and wishing to join us in MYL, please pay our forum a visit first and read the threads there. (

Secondly you ask about 39 priest-guides, preferable holyguides at 39 and advice on gear, enchant etc. - Regarding this I would start to say that in my opinion, the most common speccs would be full disc(28/2/0), half-half(19/11/0 which is what I currently play), smite-dpsspecc, shadow. Jadyn have already written a quite useful guide for 39-priests HERE, and personally I've written a little view into certain abilities and spells HERE. So take a look at those or feel free to drop by for a chat if you like.

Regarding manapool, it's all some kind of balance for me to see Bansil and Alteffour. Currently I'm having 2753 health, 2827 mana and 165 spellpower together with 15 hit rating. You might say that 2,8k is a low manapool yes, but mentioning 3700-4200 mana Alteffour, that's just out of reach dude. That amount of mana would surely be nice, but you will lack other stats bigtime in the goal of getting that manapool. Being discipline specc helps quite a deal - Personally I've chosen to be 19/11/0 due to the fact that I like 5/5 Divine Fury for fast Holy Fire-assistdps'ing (and smite aswell once in once), and because I feel like DP can be a lifesaver once in once. I'm keen on trying out the 28/2/0 specc aswell to try out having 15% more intellect etc - But atm I'm quite happy with my current specc.

The priests you link Alteffour - Zenbox and Ogee, would not be the choices I would look after gear/statwise. Zenbox is untalented and have a healthpool at 1963, together with an amount of spellpower of 202. 202 is surely nice, but what does it matter if he gets taken down so easily with 1963 health? He won't always be protected by teammembers and everything below 2,2k seems too squishy imho.

Ogee is playing Discipline specc with 3/3 renew which seems okay. Personally I would never pick both Healing Focus AND Focused Casting, but that's just me. Ogee needs the better AH-neck aswell and his ring could be improved aswell. Anyway, his balance with 155 SP and hp/mana seems allright - but his gear could still improve several places.

For me to see, Decieved, you can choose for yourself how important you feel hp/mana/SP is. To me, stamina is quite important - for others a large manapool is necessary and others like having a great deal of Spellpower.

Darkypriest, Kutty's priestalt have a few better stats than me due to BoAs-staff, shoulders n scourge-invasion wand. But he's definetely worth taking a look at even he needs a few items:


Cowremover have a nice balance of stats aswell, even I personally would exchange the gloves-enchant with +15 hit and then get some other shoulders. He's aiming for high spellpower as you see with 202, but that's a matter of choice again:


And well finally you can check my armory aswell, it seems I'm only having 2323 health on the armory though.


Hope it helped you a little with this reply! /hug

Thanks Guys

Well wow, Thanks for all the feedback

Zvit :- I'd just like to say a massive thanks for all the feedback and hel you;ve given me here, I've been onto the MYL forums and had a lil look around. Add me on Msn for a better chat mate :D -

Alteffour :- Cheers for leading me onto such a great guy, and for the help :D Same again if you wanna have asome further chat , add me on msn.

Bansil :- Thanks for the links , they've helped a tonne.

Thanks for the feedback guys

darkypriest will have uber stats when he is done. just look at that.

i dont need to look at armories to know what stats is good, after being buffed in wsg's you get a good feel on how much hp/mana/sp would be just perfect, and imo thats aiming for 2200hp/3300mana/200sp. i have just under 3k mana on my own and its always very tight, an absolute minimum! arcane intellect brings me up to where it should be.

about the hitrating, it sure sucks missing a fear, but the amount of times you miss a crucial fear is so low that having too much hit isnt worth it imo. zvit got 15, and 15 is good to have.
cologne said:
darkypriest will have uber stats when he is done. just look at that.

i dont need to look at armories to know what stats is good, after being buffed in wsg's you get a good feel on how much hp/mana/sp would be just perfect, and imo thats aiming for 2200hp/3300mana/200sp. i have just under 3k mana on my own and its always very tight, an absolute minimum! arcane intellect brings me up to where it should be.

about the hitrating, it sure sucks missing a fear, but the amount of times you miss a crucial fear is so low that having too much hit isnt worth it imo. zvit got 15, and 15 is good to have.

You do run out of mana pretty quickly in an arena setting it must be said ;)

Xailter said:
You do run out of mana pretty quickly in an arena setting it must be said ;)


the arenas you were in were kinda extreme :D

20seconds dispelling, renewing, manaburning both ways, oom.

i need a better eagle set for those dispelheavy fights.

by changing 4 items i could change 99 spellpower for 1k mana.

then i would be running with 2200hp/4000mana/106SP.

could be interesting to try out.

just starting with a +30int SOJ (+500mana with talents), do some dispelwork, then changing to 43SP SOJ could solve some manaproblems, and THEN changing to +spirit SOJ when oom. actually gonna do this, i have 3x SOJ so why not. 3 more keybindings.
I didnt send him to Zenbox's armory for talent spec...I sent him there for gear. His gear options seem much more sound for a Disc Priest. IE no deadmans hand and other non standard options.

Also...2800 mana is not good for a Disc Priest, sorry, maybe EU Cyclone this works..but US Cyclone this mana pool dissapears in seconds. It is not enough. End of Story. My shadow Priest has that much HP and Mana. I understand the bump in HP for arena..but on the other hand going oom in an arena match gets you dead just as quick as having less health.

I specced back to disc and put on my disc gear...3683mana with about 2700hp (self buffed)..186sp..all right in the sweet spot imo for a disc priest. As for 4200, give up a chunk of SP for it...but depending on your role in a game this hardly matters. Glyphed dispell and mana burn arent effected at all, so as a utility offensive priest it works quite well.

Keep in mind im coming from the standpoint of a disc priest playing in premades or at least small group play..if your battlegroup is wildly different from US Cyclone then perhaps im leading you astray...but I dont think so, I think stat wise 3300-4000 mana is where every good priest should be.


mine might still show shadow stuff on, give armory time to update, i just now swapped.

Here is an amazing priest in my guild rocking int gear...


yes his SP is low...but it works for him and his role in bgs and arenas. He just made this guy so obviously there is even more room for improovement gear wise (wand, ring etc etc) Im just linking him to show an effective priest with almost 4200mana.
Well - For US Cyclone and premades, I'm sure much more mana would be needed. I really do. There's just not running premades on EU Cyclone atm, only some 3vs3, 2vs2 etc atm, so I guess it's two different situations. Usually I'm just doing 2s, 3s or simply Bgs with a few guildies.

How you can reach 2700 hp, 3683 mana AND 186 SP sounds wild to me - Aiming for those stats would be really awesome.

You linked Camina, and I see the idea about having this large manapool for sure. 86 spellpower -> Well if his mainjob is to dispel, fear, shield etc, why bother having much SP if he's not a healbot or such thing? That sounds interesting idd.

I do still consider to try out discipline with 28/2/0 specc and have more mana - then I'll just miss my quick holy fires, smites, desperate prayer and better renews in some way. However, +15 mana is awesome for sure and I guess 28/2/0 is a better specc for arena aswell in 3vs3 for example.

With the gear I'm just a bit meh..about switching out stamina and SP items out with more intellect. That just means switching out Green Lens of Healing with 10 sta and 28 SP with for example SM cath-head with 9 sta, 14 int, 14 spi. That gives a little extra mana. Alternatively I could switch out Pulsating Crystalline-neck and loose SP, sta and spi but gaining 7 intellect.

Perhaps a SoJ with +30 intellect or another pair of bracers with +int would help to achieve such a big manapool yeah. A SoJ with intellect and another one with SP as Cow mentions is an option too.

Anyway, I hope you see the opportunities Decieved, cause there's for sure not only one way of speccing and gearing!:)

oh noes zvit...not that you are posing around in if, now you show off your turtle mount in an avatar aswell! (btw, nice graphics)


(brb buying wotlk to get one too)

on topic:

in BG situations when you are not a full 10man premade, it is very very good to have a sp stacked priest at your back. when the group is good at mana management, the dps and focused burst he can do is much more benefit for the group than a little greater manapool. drinking a lot or using the hut or a regstaff will be a result, but that is not a problem most of the time.
"the dps and focused burst he can do is much more benefit for the group "

This isnt really the role of a disc priest imo. Holy dps yes, disc no. Mana burn which is disc's main weapon isnt based off of SP as well sooo.

Now if we want to move from gear discussion to spec discussion im down for that too ;p 19/11 is generally seen as an Arena spec with full disc specs being utilized more for BGs and premade BGs. Generally for BGs if you want the priest DPSing Holy is amazing..shadow is good too, but very mana intensive to the point that it might not be fully viable.

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