EU+US most useful pve items

now i need to save 100+ dmf tickets on all my toons

It doesn't work in dungeons, but it's a damn useful thing to use whenever attempting outside world boss. Buffs sometimes only last 2 minutes, but are still crazy. The downside is the price and the fact that you have to sit through a debuff sometimes :(
It doesn't work in dungeons, but it's a damn useful thing to use whenever attempting outside world boss. Buffs sometimes only last 2 minutes, but are still crazy. The downside is the price and the fact that you have to sit through a debuff sometimes :(
Thanks @Crystalpall. Lucky u mentioned it’s not usable in dungeons. I was going to get it for the sole purpose of dungeon solo’s. Now I can keep saving for the DMF Mount - only about 800 tickets to go :eek:
Just wanna say, nice thread. So informative! I'm gonna go get some cool items after reading all this.. Thanks every1 :)
is the sea turtle mount catch-able in darkmoon faire, and if so is it in open water or in the fish nodes.
I love pve also!! I collect useful items, xmogs, recipes(cooking/alchemist/engineering/first aids), reputations, toys, ... But only usables for lvl 20 starter/veteran. I'm working in a guide for that, but this will take more time. Maybe in some months. I have some of them gfathered also. But not the rod of ambershaping! Lucky for @Crystalpall to get it in time. I was 2 month late for that T.T

I have all those items, and much more (all my bags/bank/guild bank/xmog bank of my lvl 20 main (kórnikus-tyrande, but currently lvl 21 T.T) are going to explode). I always have problems to get new useful items. Always fighting to get 1 or 2 more spaces, and i have the biggest bags in all slots (banks also) XD.
I will link the most important of them to you tonight, but some of the better ones had been linked by some of you.
I am talking about all of them in my spanish youtube videos (, and also about the curiosities of every zone in wow.

Here there were some 29's consumables from @Amelletta that could be used at 20 too.
Anyway, I will pass you my list in 3hours aprox
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Ok! I give you the names in spanish. Just copy paste in wowhead and you will have the name in english. I will translate them and with links in this days.
-tótem de tonga
-tótem de extracción de veneno
-sombrero de fruta cautivador
-juramento de vigía del fuego
-cañón de la luna negra
-catalejo ornamentado
-sombrero de pesca de la suerte
-caña de pescar con joyas
-caña de pescar de hueso
-caña de pescar de arcanita
-caña de pescar pandaren
-cerveza del capitán rumsey
-atraepeces acuadinámico
-confalón de batalla Lobo Gélido
-confalón de batalla de la Horda
-Elixir de Los Bajos Fondos
-Corcho remolcador
-Cebo de plumas
-sedal de eternio de alta calidad
-delicia de pez descarriado sabrosa
-pez descarriado
-gusano supremo
-lentes de enfoque prismático
-yunque térmico
-figurilla de gato resplandeciente
-foco de cirstal cargado
-foco de cristal mermado
-rata de madriguera inconsciente
-bandera a cuadros
-pistacita de visión
-confalón de batalla de coordinación
-corcho descomunal
-gancho filohueso
-arena de sueño
-jarabe finiquiplaga
-infusión finiquiplaga
-dispensador de balas desplegable
-pack de armas
-lentes de enfoque de cristal de sombras
-meteorito vil
-gema de control de radinax rajada
-fragmento dimensional extraño
-disfraz exquisito: ''Edwin VanCleef''
-trueno furioso hinchable. Espada Bendita del Hijo del Viento
-prisma reflectante
-martillo automático
-cerveza especial de bruma dorada
-poción de protección contra lo sagrado
-códice de la mente tranquila
-botas de la bahía
-botas cohete goblin
-botas cohete gnómicas

This is the 25% of the things I have (50% of my bags). I will add more during this days.
The ones I have said are the ones you can see in the bottom of the bags


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