Most OP Class 3.1

Most OP Class Post 3.1

  • Hunter

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  • Warrior

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  • Shaman

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  • Mage

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  • Priest

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  • Warlock

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  • Rogue

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  • Druid

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If Hand of Reckoning still worked and procced vindication first that would just be completely nuts
Xailter said:
It suddenly occured to me that I wasn't taking into account Crusade (extra 6% damage) or the improved ret aura (extra 3% damage). Also Vengence deserves a mention as a full stack is an extra 9% damage:

770 * 1.09 = 839 (Crusade + Ret Aura)

770 * 1.18 = 908.6 (Crusade + Ret Aura + Vengence)

Getting more OP every time I calulate it :(


Isn't that, as almost everything else, affected my a multiplier?

(282 + 90) = 372 = AP scaling

(372 * 1.15) = 427.8 = Talent bonus

(427 * 1.2) = 513.36 = Glyph bonus

(513.36 * 1.5) = 770.04 = Critical damage

(770.04 * 1.03 * 1.06) = 840.73 = Crusade + Ret Aura

(840.73 * 1.09) = 916.4 = Vengance

And I'm still unsure about the crit multiplier. With a 1.8-multiplier we're up at 1099.67 damage.
Tetrica said:
Isn't that, as almost everything else, affected my a multiplier?

(282 + 90) = 372 = AP scaling

(372 * 1.15) = 427.8 = Talent bonus

(427 * 1.2) = 513.36 = Glyph bonus

(513.36 * 1.5) = 770.04 = Critical damage

(770.04 * 1.03 * 1.06) = 840.73 = Crusade + Ret Aura

(840.73 * 1.09) = 916.4 = Vengance

And I'm still unsure about the crit multiplier. With a 1.8-multiplier we're up at 1099.67 damage.

I rounded down a little bit during some of the numbers - either way are numbers are pretty close :p Why would the crit multiplier be 1.8? It's 100% extra damage for melee/ranged (not factoring in talents) and 50% extra for spells (thus 1.5 multiplier).

Xailter said:
Why would the crit multiplier be 1.8? It's 100% extra damage for melee/ranged (not factoring in talents) and 50% extra for spells (thus 1.5 multiplier).


I don't know the crit-mechanics for each class, all I know is that mages, balance druids and elemental shamans have different ones(the classes I've played at max-level at some point in time which are comparable due to role).
Tetrica said:
I don't know the crit-mechanics for each class, all I know is that mages, balance druids and elemental shamans have different ones(the classes I've played at max-level at some point in time which are comparable due to role).

All spells crit for 1.5x there normal damage as standard. Some talents however allow spells to crit for 2x there normal damage. Example of this are (100% extra critical means 50% * 2 = 100% extra damage on a crit): (balance druid) (destruction lock) (frost mage) (elemental shaman)

Melee attacks crit for 2x there normal damage, however there are talents which also modify this. Major ones are 39 are: (rogue - crit is equal to 2.3x normal damage) (hunter - 2.3x multiplier) (warrior - 2.2x multiplier)

Warriors have a slight boost with axes as well - axepole spec ( and Impale stack for a crit multiplier of 2.25x normal damage.

Confusing eh? ;)

Not really, what's confusing (after learning the values for melee/spell-multipliers) is the part where some values add and some multiply.
Tetrica said:
Not really, what's confusing (after learning the values for melee/spell-multipliers) is the part where some values add and some multiply.

As a whole if a talent or whatever increases the damage of an ability, simply add all these percetage increases together and do the sums. If however there is a flat increase (such as AP or Spell Power) then you do these calculations on the base effect of the spell first as all % increases affect total damage (including AP/SP). Thus for Exorcism if we consider all talents etc possible to increase it's damage:

20% from glyph

15% from the talent

6% from Crusade

3% from improved Ret Aura

9% from Vengeance

This is a total increase of 20 + 15 + 6 + 3 + 9 = 53% extra damage.

Exorcism takes 15% of your AP and 15% of your Spell Damage and adds to the base amount (250 - 283 base damage). Assuming 600 AP and 0 Spell Power:

600 * 0.15 (AP co-efficient of Exorcism) = 90. Add this value to the base damage of the spell equals to (340 - 373 damage). THEN we apply all talent effects to this value (53% extra damage remember):

(340 * 1.53) to (373 * 1.53) = (520 to 570 damage).

Finally, if we assume the spell crits (and because it's a spell this will be 1.5x the damage) then we simply multiply our damage range by 1.5:

(520 * 1.5) to (570 * 1.5) = (780 to 855 damage).

Simple as that :)


P.S. If you wanted to add in zerker damage or a warrior in zerker stance etc just add up all the totals (assuming a zerking warrior, in zerker stance with death wish on, and you also have zerking) = 10% + 5% + 5% + 30% = 50% extra damage.

(780 * 1.5) to (855 * 1.5) = (1170 to 1283 damage *nerf!*)

The same way you can also factor in damage reduction effects (say a Warlock with glyph'd Soul Link spec) would be 25% reduction:

(780 / 1.25) to (855 / 1.25) = (624 to 684 damage).

P.P.S. This damage reduction you have to calculate with melee attacks as everyone has armour which reduces damage by x% and gives you more accurate results in theorycrafting. Whereas very few people run around with spell resist sets (or practically none). Soul Link is the main one you have to factor in for spells :p
Not been playing 39s long but id say warlock the dmg i put out is so OP, can kill a ret pally with relative ease using felhunter, trinket, fear

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