Most OP Class 3.1

Most OP Class Post 3.1

  • Hunter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior

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  • Shaman

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  • Mage

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  • Paladin

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  • Priest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Druid

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters



My top 3:

1) Hunter

Viper Sting returns so much mana I'm amazed. I never have to chance to aspect of the viper (well rarely). That and the new entrapment they're better than ever.

2) Paladin


3) Warlock

DoTs still do crazy damage. Siphon Life heals for a shit ton.
I'd say its a toss-up between hunter and paladin for sure but a bad ret pally can still wreck face when a bad hunter will have a harder time. As i see more ret pallies than good hunters they to be the worst. Doing 2-3k damage in a single stun plus bubble and freedom is ridiculous and i don't even know how blizzard could allow this haha but we'll see if anything changes in a week or two.
Pallies, Exorcism. Though you can expect it to be nerfed in the upcoming fix's. With all the trouble its making in 80s.
Warlocks don't seem so bad these days. Yes they still get the healing from Siphon Life, but the added damage isn't there and personally I find I'm living longer. Now demo locks... they are bastards to kill!


P.S. Nerf Ret Palas
ret pallies far and away got the most lovin from 3.1

I do love gift of the naruu now though, so any class with that is fun ;p
As a rogue, everything got a hell of a lot easier, apart from ret paladins. S+b ret paladins are ridiculous, stupid staying power and silly burst. I might come back, after the nerf.
in just terms of OPness definetley pallys, having 1.2k dmg done to me when he was dismantled... :p

but yeah rogues can still win every fight so meh :p
Pallies I say as well. Mostly been trying to kite them if I know bubbles up, just try to find a friend. Haven't been getting stomped by hunters all that hard, but haven't found a good one either.
no doubt about it - i play ret pala and i feel OP. Its just insane that amount of dmg i can make with exorcism. It can easily crit for 7-800 plus and thats without zerkbuff or exorcism glyph..

Guess i have to enjoy it untill it gets nurfed :p
I can handle the Pallies. Having a silence helps a lot. I still get pounded if they have bubble up or get the jump on me with spell lock down.

Hunters are still the most OP to me. Pretty much 2 shotted as soon as I'm in range. Rogues are right there with them as always. I rarely even wear my PvP trinket anymore. I can count the times my trinket saved me on less than one finger. I don't bother with consumables, you res with full HP/mana anyway. (lol frap fc's)

My vote is for Hunters. Cant get close to them, can't run away from them, no way to stop the back to back 400-600 crits with pet gnawing on your ass for 100 each bite. I can drain thru some of the weaker ones but the geared ones with bats annihilate me before I can get a second DOT off. Rogues are cake if I can catch them out of stealth. Doesn't matter with the Hunters. Soon as I see that mark on me I know that i have about 2 seconds to live.
Posted this on Pwndepot as well, but I think it explains how OP Exorcism is now:

Exorcism gains 15% AP + 15% Spell Power. With a geared ret pala of about 600 AP buffed up that's an additional 90 damage. Exorcism Rank 3 is 250 - 282 damage.

15% extra from talents

20% from the glyph

(282 + 90 = 372) = Attack power scaling

(372 * 1.15 = 427.8) = Talent bonus

(427 * 1.20 = 513.36) = Glyph bonus

(513.36 * 1.5 = 770) = Critical damage

Considering most ret palas can have about 25% crit... it's ****ing insane...

Think that about covers it! Powerfully OP because it's a 30 yd spell as well...

Isn't the crit-coefficient 1.8?
Dang, good thing im mid way through twinking a 39 pally =\

i hate playing the OP class.... ill just be super good so people will respect and hopefully the exorcism thing will get nerfed, imo it should be balance>anything...
Xailter said:
Posted this on Pwndepot as well, but I think it explains how OP Exorcism is now:

Think that about covers it! Powerfully OP because it's a 30 yd spell as well...


It suddenly occured to me that I wasn't taking into account Crusade (extra 6% damage) or the improved ret aura (extra 3% damage). Also Vengence deserves a mention as a full stack is an extra 9% damage:

770 * 1.09 = 839 (Crusade + Ret Aura)

770 * 1.18 = 908.6 (Crusade + Ret Aura + Vengence)

Getting more OP every time I calulate it :(

well hopefully it will be nerfed, maybe the overall damage or back to how it was before 3.1

Hopefully a nerf to bring it down to the normal damage range not a complete removal...

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