Most balanced Twink Bracket.


Are 39's the most balanced bracket for Twinks now?

It looks like most classes have enough abilities to be useful compared to other levels and there seems to be only one class that isn't on as equal ground as the others (druids). So would it be smart to try to pull more people from other brackets into this format instead? Its not too much more expensive then 19's, but it does take a little more effort to be geared for it. But for me personally, all the extra tools you get at this level compared to them make it way more fun to play.

Besides the fact that it isn't completely dominated by Hunters, Druids, and Shaman.

Plus being able to hit a mount as a caster or any other slow moving class makes you feel way more useful to be here. I get sick of watching people blow right past me in 19's. Being unable to do anything to even slow them down.

Should we be trying to "enlighten" so to speak, more people into it? With other brackets losing people from inbalances. either from grossly overpowered classes dominating like 19-29's. Or from lack of players at 59-69. Or damage bursts making some classes too good at 49? It seems like 39's might have the goldy-locks feeling of being just right.

Could 39's become the way 19's used to be?
Totally, that's why its getn resurrected. Its a insanely fun bracket. Many abilities, very little burst, no op classes (like hunters and shamans in 19) nearly all classes are competable, very balanced, pretty easy to gear up. no BIS item (exept for pod) are hard to get or expencive as shit.

Im guessing your EU, the main place to be is Draenor. Its about 14 people leveling up atm and many are already finished, and that's just from recruitment on twinkinfo 30-39 section. Soon we will recruit on the forums and most likely get many many more. Tell all your friends:p This is the prime time for rerollers and old twinks to come back to the bracket

Ps, don't listen to the haters that don't play 39 and wants ppl to play their bracket
Ps, don't listen to the haters that don't play 39 and wants ppl to play their bracket

Who're they Med'an? Btw, corpse camping you on my horde alt was pretty fun at Gurubashi the other day :)
Hurpdurp said:
Who're they Med'an? Btw, corpse camping you on my horde alt was pretty fun at Gurubashi the other day :)

Feeling guilty I see.

I don't need the trinket. I'm only there to pvp against 80s. We play on a PVE server, only way you can kill me is if I decide I want to pvp.

I'm guessing your that 80 hunter. I'm the one that dueled you, remember? And you killed me, then killed me again cus that's the only only way your gonna kill me; on a higher lvl char

- I must admit I had to call my mom and tell her what terrible crime you did to me in a video game, lol. The fact that you even boost about it on the forums speaks enough.
Hurpdurp said:
Actually, I didn't kill you at all on a horde character, I just like annoying you. :)

Just like humans feel bad when another human dies, or a human might feel bad when a kitten or dog dies, or even something as small as a tiny bird. They don't, however, feel bad when an ant dies, because its so far from themselves its hard to relate. If a ant doesn't like you, well, you couldn't care less. That's how I feel about you.
Med'an said:
Just like humans feel bad when another human dies, or a human might feel bad when a kitten or dog dies, or even something as small as a tiny bird. They don't, however, feel bad when an ant dies, because its so far from themselves its hard to relate. If a ant doesn't like you, well, you couldn't care less. That's how I feel about you.

i'll send you a pic of my penis if you want, it isn't ant-like
Can none of you see what he is doing here lol ? Are you all that blind/stupid/self righteous ? haha

Nux is simply trolling you in order to give the impression that the bracket is filled with drama. Thereby making people think that the bracket is full of winers and they may be less likely to join it and join 49 instead. (his bracket)

From experience in dealing with nux/forum trolls, if you ignore them, they will go away.

Try to think about the bracket before you go an have an argument over the internet, rather than defend yourself and give the trolls even more bait.

I left 49 due to drama, and I refuse to let the same happen to 39, due to the SAME PEOPLE AGAIN. If push comes to shove I'll snap my fingers and 39 will magically blossom into an active bracket once more. But I refuse to help if you guys are arguing like kids all day about random stupid crap.
Nux is simply trolling you in order to give the impression that the bracket is filled with drama. Thereby making people think that the bracket is full of winers and they may be less likely to join it and join 49 instead. (his bracket)

Actually, I'm just trolling this because I don't like the majority of the people who played 39 in Cyclone... :):)

From experience in dealing with nux/forum trolls, if you ignore them, they will go away.

Try to think about the bracket before you go an have an argument over the internet, rather than defend yourself and give the trolls even more bait.


I left 49 to get boosted in vindication on my 80

agree on this point

and I refuse to let the same happen to 39

it already did last summer :):)

If push comes to shove I'll snap my fingers and 39 will magically blossom into an active bracket once more.

film urself snappin ur fingers and this happenin then

But I refuse to help if you guys are arguing like kids all day about random stupid crap.

Assuming that you made the assumption that my ":):):):):)" was me expressing my pleasure because I thought you'd complemented me which I suspect you did as you chose to quote them then I think once more you show a clear lack of the aforementioned reading comprehension as my ":):):):):)" were actually to display the irony of your own poor comebacks.
Hurpdurp said:
Assuming that you made the assumption that my ":):):):):)" was me expressing my pleasure because I thought you'd complemented me which I suspect you did as you chose to quote them then I think once more you show a clear lack of the aforementioned reading comprehension as my ":):):):):)" were actually to display the irony of your own poor comebacks.

riiiiight. Why don't you send me an article about it. I'm all out of toilet paper

Edit: Felt I had to add that this was a rhetorical question, I'm not really asking you, you don't have to tell me why you won't write an article. I'm pretty sure this thread doesn't need more of you in it.
Med'an said:
riiiiight. Why don't you write a article about it.

Edit: Felt I had to add that this was a rhetorical question, I'm not really asking you, you don't have to tell me why you won't write an article. I'm pretty sure this thread doesn't need more of you in it.

Even though you're using a rhetorical question you still need to put the appropriate punctuation after it, i.e. a question mark. I could write an article about your lack of reading comprehension if you truly desired however I feel short snappy paragraphs such as the one you quoted have a much better effect and would increase book sales at a greater rate.

emetophilia said:
how the fuck do you have the energy to mess up every thread there is in the 39 section?

I eat a carbohydrate filled diet - it sustains me on my daily walk to the Job Centre to chat with Susie, who's a lovely lady.
Hurpdurp said:
Even though you're using a rhetorical question you still need to put the appropriate punctuation after it, i.e. a question mark. I could write an article about your lack of reading comprehension if you truly desired however I feel short snappy paragraphs such as the one you quoted have a much better effect and would increase book sales at a greater rate.

Perfect, I needed someone to ask: Does grammar police need to wear a hat?
I personally wear a hat on occasions where certain weather conditions make a hat a viable choice in my uniform, when it's snowing for instance.

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