More hunter whining...

The Blizz Q&A was about Hunters this time... and someone had the balls to ask this:

Q: Would we consider allowing auto-shoot to work while moving? If there aren't plans for that specific change, is there anything in the works that will assist hunter dps in fights where a great deal of movement becomes necessary?

A: Moving should feel like a penalty. We don’t want ranged attackers constantly circle strafing FPS-style because it confers a defensive advantage without giving up an offensive one. Moving is supposed to be bad and how you handle it is a test of your skill. We do give instant cast spells to some classes, but it should always be a dps loss when they have to focus on these exclusively. We would consider giving hunters another way to pull off an instant shot or beef up their dots, but we would want to make sure these would only be used in true long-distance movement situations. What I mean by that is we think we’ve possibly already gone too far towards balancing the Arena around instant attacks that can’t be countered before they go off.

Another poster also wanted the minimum range removed, so you could still use your bow/gun while in melee range.

I know these questions are based on end-game pvp.... but goddamn imagine the chaos in twink bg's if these were implemented.
Blizz cared about Twinking when the game first came out, ever sence then they could give two tishs less about it.... I guess they still do, just not as much as when the game first started /nod.

Thats the World of Warcraft that your play, get use to it.
deftones said:
The Blizz Q&A was about Hunters this time... and someone had the balls to ask this:

Q: Would we consider allowing auto-shoot to work while moving? If there aren't plans for that specific change, is there anything in the works that will assist hunter dps in fights where a great deal of movement becomes necessary?

A: Moving should feel like a penalty. We don’t want ranged attackers constantly circle strafing FPS-style because it confers a defensive advantage without giving up an offensive one. Moving is supposed to be bad and how you handle it is a test of your skill. We do give instant cast spells to some classes, but it should always be a dps loss when they have to focus on these exclusively. We would consider giving hunters another way to pull off an instant shot or beef up their dots, but we would want to make sure these would only be used in true long-distance movement situations. What I mean by that is we think we’ve possibly already gone too far towards balancing the Arena around instant attacks that can’t be countered before they go off.

Another poster also wanted the minimum range removed, so you could still use your bow/gun while in melee range.

I know these questions are based on end-game pvp.... but goddamn imagine the chaos in twink bg's if these were implemented.

oooooh yeah, i no what u mean... end-game pvp, all a hunter needs is explosive shot or chimera shot, scatter shot, and aimed shot, and u can be moving as much as u want and still kill the person...
deftones said:
The Blizz Q&A was about Hunters this time... and someone had the balls to ask this:

Q: Would we consider allowing auto-shoot to work while moving? If there aren't plans for that specific change, is there anything in the works that will assist hunter dps in fights where a great deal of movement becomes necessary?

are you fucking kidding me? hunters have better mobility than any other class in the game. i think they have a total of 1 damage ability with a cast time, i mean aimed shot has been made instant for crissakes. its QQ like this that gives hunters a bad name and makes me ashamed that i ever played a hunter...
Seriously? Someone actually asked that? They need to die in a fire. As if they don't have enough mobility at any level already...
Yeah at start in vanilla wow hunters were laughed at in pvp.

They were considered the most weak class (deadzone and very limitted cc)

Once you learned to know the class and could kill an oponent you felt Godlike as you played your class with skill !

Now they give every class so much it takes away the fun... and good feeling of gaining a victory
I will be honest, the 5-8 Dead Zone had to go. During Vanilla I killed many a hunter pet in this spot with my rogue so I could chain stealth attacks on em. The only hunters I ever felt reason to fear were those without TSA or that Spirit Bond. SV hunters were so rare that whenever I encountered them, I didn't how to fight them with all those RNG roots and Counterattack.

Instant cast MS Aimed is OP vs cast time Aimed (Except for Aimed from Shadowmeld).

Mobility and counter-mobility, hunters were strong from base skills alone at the start unless you were deadzone camping em. SV was always insane in this regard. No dead zone now, SV is a popular spec with what? 5 or 6 talents devoted to counter mobility/CC in a big way + your standard... + New Disengage. If blizz wants to improve Hunters in endgame Arena, they should do something about LoS obstacles (LoS plays to melee class's strengths anyways).
Conrose said:
Instant cast MS Aimed is OP vs cast time Aimed (Except for Aimed from Shadowmeld).

hell on my hunter i say that the cast time aimed shot was a lot better than instant cast aimed shot, cast time aimed shot the damage was at least 2x more in dmg than instant cast aimed shot
Imakeitslow said:
hell on my hunter i say that the cast time aimed shot was a lot better than instant cast aimed shot, cast time aimed shot the damage was at least 2x more in dmg than instant cast aimed shot

Unless it was from a Night Elf Hunter casting from Shadowmeld, I never saw a cast time aimed shot go off because it was subject to damage interruption.
I'm like Drayner, I love locks. I have 3 of them. When I went to make a 49 hunter I stopped at 29 semi-twinked to see how it was.... I couldn't stop laughing at how EZ MOAD that class is.

My 49 BM hunter is one of my favorites to play because it is so incredibly FACE ROLL easy that when I get frustrated having to play a skilled class in bracket I can just Big Red Pet people as payback. The class is a joke. Explosive Shot should NEVER have made it through beta, what a lame ass instant.

I can't even imagine 80 hunters complaining about not being able to auto shot on the move. I mean at 49 I barely have any CD's up where I think my DPS is sucking. I know I'm completely OP.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Seriously? Someone actually asked that? They need to die in a fire. As if they don't have enough mobility at any level already...

Maybe that someone was asking for a buff to the suckiest class in 80 pvp. The pvp isn't all about twinking you know (;


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