General changes
- New things
1 Panderan(horde+ally,avaliable to trials 9/25/12)
2 New class is monk, think of a op'd rogue with way better combo point's
3 40% resil basline
4 All abilitys crit for 200%
5 No changes to x-mog, cant dual wield thye MH boa's
6 Talents revamped , http://mop.wowhead.com/mists-of-pandaria-talent-calculator
7 Abilitys learned as soon as your at the req lvl
8 Cross realm zones http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/5393667/Cross-Realm_Zones_Coming_to_Beta-5_10_2012
I This means that pvp-pvp, RP-pve to RP-pve, expect you can be ganked/corpse camped my a pissed off main, if you ruin somones monk
leveling/a 60+ finds you
9 Garrosh is final raidboss(5.4.0??)
10 You can now only buy boa's, that fit a spec your class can fufull
11 24's get boa legs
12 Bows/guns/wands, are now 2H, and have stats ajusted to such
13 Mana is set to 600 for casters/healers, and 150 for hybrid noncasters( casters get a 400% mana)
I all spells cost a fixed % BASE mana, the caster 400%, does not increase the cost of spells, rather it reduces them in
II Ret's/prots no longer benefit from intellect, rather they work similar to enh's, but gain 6% mana per 2(??)
14 WIP, will add more if i remember/reminded of it
General changes
- New things
1 Panderan(horde+ally,avaliable to trials 9/25/12)
2 New class is monk, think of a op'd rogue with way better combo point's
3 40% resil basline
4 All abilitys crit for 200%
5 No changes to x-mog, cant dual wield thye MH boa's
6 Talents revamped , http://mop.wowhead.com/mists-of-pandaria-talent-calculator
7 Abilitys learned as soon as your at the req lvl
8 Cross realm zones http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/5393667/Cross-Realm_Zones_Coming_to_Beta-5_10_2012
I This means that pvp-pvp, RP-pve to RP-pve, expect you can be ganked/corpse camped my a pissed off main, if you ruin somones monk
leveling/a 60+ finds you
9 Garrosh is final raidboss(5.4.0??)
10 You can now only buy boa's, that fit a spec your class can fufull
11 24's get boa legs
12 Bows/guns/wands, are now 2H, and have stats ajusted to such
13 Mana is set to 600 for casters/healers, and 150 for hybrid noncasters( casters get a 400% mana)
I all spells cost a fixed % BASE mana, the caster 400%, does not increase the cost of spells, rather it reduces them in
II Ret's/prots no longer benefit from intellect, rather they work similar to enh's, but gain 6% mana per 2(??)
14 WIP, will add more if i remember/reminded of it
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