MoP changes, release on 8-28-12



General changes

- New things
1 Panderan(horde+ally,avaliable to trials 9/25/12)
2 New class is monk, think of a op'd rogue with way better combo point's
3 40% resil basline
4 All abilitys crit for 200%
5 No changes to x-mog, cant dual wield thye MH boa's :(
6 Talents revamped ,
7 Abilitys learned as soon as your at the req lvl
8 Cross realm zones
I This means that pvp-pvp, RP-pve to RP-pve, expect you can be ganked/corpse camped my a pissed off main, if you ruin somones monk
leveling/a 60+ finds you
9 Garrosh is final raidboss(5.4.0??)
10 You can now only buy boa's, that fit a spec your class can fufull
11 24's get boa legs
12 Bows/guns/wands, are now 2H, and have stats ajusted to such
13 Mana is set to 600 for casters/healers, and 150 for hybrid noncasters( casters get a 400% mana)
I all spells cost a fixed % BASE mana, the caster 400%, does not increase the cost of spells, rather it reduces them in
II Ret's/prots no longer benefit from intellect, rather they work similar to enh's, but gain 6% mana per 2(??)
14 WIP, will add more if i remember/reminded of it
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Slice and dice basline
No ShS for sub, but sub gets hemo, mut envenom(weak), and combat Revealing strike
T1 talents deal with stealth
No instant poisin, replaced by deadly(hits for 100 ticks on dummy, 50 procced ticks, also dummy)
Poisons are buffs now, 1 lethal(DP), and 1 utility(cripp)
No gouge/sprint
Rogue dmg seems low, but utility is good
No pick lock, this means you will need a p2p(>23) to get "the insane"

Disentanglement basline, all specs
161% movspeed in trvl form with feline swiftness talent
25% basline cat form movspeed

gets shred 400% dmg, mangle 400% dmg,
Gets SR,(increases phys dmg done by 30%
Gets Rip, hits for 600 over 16 on players(5p, near bis gear), can be extended 3 ticks by mangleing
i have calculated 1.5K player FB crits, by popping TF right before FB, for its 15%+, and the 60 energy, that doubes the dmg of FB(+25% crit chance on bleeding targs)
Gain Tigers fury, generated 60 energy , increases phys dmg done by 15%(30? sec CD), the bonus dmg is 6 sec
my tooltip on ptr says hitting for 100, 1.00 speed, cat form doubles white dmg,this number has the 00% white effect on it, so normla gmd is 50(avrg)

Gain bomkin form
Disengage with the WC talent in BK form
Balance has been nerfed by 25%+ since beginning of beta, there op'dness is now in questons
Gains astral communion
Insect swarm replaced by sunfire
200+ rejuv ticks

800+ swiftmends
Gonna be #1 FC inna pug, #2 with a dedicated Rshamm, right behind guardian
No dispell for 20's, this, plus no water shield/bubble/HS, will make (imo) Rdrood the weakest healer, but the best raid healer, with rejuv almost stopping dps on every target its on

Imp is only stam buff ( 10%) for trials
It seems that demo dmg is below acceptable standards( i do not have a bis lock to test, looking for numbers on players)
Voidy now has a disarm, 1 min CD
You can spec for a AoE drain life, with more HPS
No doom/agony
Corruptoin is only dot, replaced my immo for destro
No RoF
CoWeak buffed a LOT
Soul Shards afflic only, demo gets a cross between rage/solar&lunar energy, called demonic fury
Destro's resource, is learned at level 42 :(

Gains metamorphoisis, its like a build up rage in casteer, and spend it in meta, 10 sec CD
Increases dmg done by 24%, and you get 40yd range autoattacks in meta
Demonic leap, moves you about 10 yds, in the DIRECTION YOU ARE MOVING, makes you enter meta, 10 sec CD
Using DL, will start the meta CD, but meta will not start the DL CD
Hand of guldan,casted at target AoE , apply's a dot, that snares target(30%, 20% less then destro's single target snare), has 2 charges, if im correct one generates every 10(12)?? sec, very minor dmg
Cannot be cast in meta
SF demo only, wet noodle with a 4 sec cast, SB hits for almost as much, but way less cast time

Only spec with 2 dots, UA+Corr
Drain soul is main nuke, but it seems wet noodleish

Conflag, is a snare if targ is immo'd
2 charges, generates 1 every 10(??) sec, snare is 5 sec(50%)

All specs get a buffed shatter
Fire can get insta pyro's, on 2 in a row crits(instapyrogaming)
Arcane gets a hevy hittign stacked ABarr, with AB as a charge builder
Arcane explosion is learned at 18
No evo
Frost gets a stacking dmg increase on FB 24%,
Frostfirebolt is the level 1 spell, and snares for 40%

Casting FB on your WE will heal it
FB is a 50% snare

Arcane charge, stacks 6 times, and increases the dmg of AB/ABarr by 20% per stack
Arbarr hits another target for 50% dmg per charge, it is arcane's only semi hard hitting ability(6 stacks)
AB keeps the 150% mana increase.

Hpally's get a magic dispell at 20, keep exo under a new name, and holy shock hits like a truck
Prot/ret no longer benefit from SP/intillect
HoP replaced by undispellable full bubble's
No CD on WoG
No Aura's

No Holy light,FoL is still a bit mana expensive
Denounce replaces exo

Gains 2 aoe's at 20
Gains 6% mana per 2 sec

Dmg of TV reduced
Gains 6% mana per 2 sec

No EB/FT/SoTE/HS totems
FT is only totem
Can chose a def CD/or bubble totem in T1 talents
Elemental shields are 1H buffs, with a 3sec(ish) ICD
Water shield tooltip says it gives 100% of SP in mana per hit
Ghost wolf is instant, but the antisnare is a minor glyph

LL dmg reduced
Gains a revamped flurry

Keeps its special 250% on crits
Same general level 10 passives
its 20 passive is usless for f2p's(afaik)

WS op'd
Magis dispell(1 of 2 in bracket)
Riptide replaces ES
Your heals increase allie's max HP by 10% of the amount healed, up to a max of 10% hp
I belive that Rshamms will be the number 1 healer, and #3 FC(Rdrood/Gdrood with a rshamm healer above it), followed by Dpriests,Hpally, and Rdruid last

Same general ability's
Aimed shot hits for less then it did(players), but not my much
All shots can be dodg'd
All tracking is learned at 4
You can pick a spec for pets

No 15% HP
Keeps EXoShot

Gets + 75% crit on >90% hpo targs( aimed shot )
Aimed shot still powerfull

keeps the stun, KC is BM only

No fort
Shadow has been ubernerfed(unless DP/MB are moved lower then level 21)
You can spec into Mind Control

Gets mana on PW:S Asorb'd fully/dispelled
Keepf HF, and pennance
No Heal/renew

Keeps HF(afaik)
No heal/renew
Keeps chastise

All ya got is SW;P, and mind flay, both hit for nothing
Unless it is majorly buffed, it will be the worst spec to play(keyword, kick on sight)

No shouts
You can charge in combat, and t! is charge enhanceing(one even gives charge charge's, so your charge can recharge while you charge :p)
Battle stance is the only stance you gen rage from white's, in def/zerker, it comes only from your spec@10 ability

Keeps the reduced healing(only one in bracket afaik), due to high healing output, this may be a gamebraker
Gets Slam, insta cast 200% wep dmg

Bloodthirst revamped
Wild strike deals 230% OH dmg

No longers gets a free 15% block chancs
Shield block, 60 rage, can be used 2x in 15 sec, makes you block every attack for the next 6 sec, these can be crit blocks
No rage cost on TC

Numbers are not final, and will be revamped ot patch notes as of the patch notes public release
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And a 20 yd teltport, but no dot removal
Getting closer to making me take it as feral/bal, but wild charge id me fav
ohgod ohgodohgod

BLIZZ please cave and give F2Ps WOTLK AS WELL

it.... could.... happen


i just wanna thank Guild Wars 2 for making blizz shit their pants, rushing to push out 5.0.4 and pandering to the masses to keep people playing WoW

Making Northrend available to F2P is a huge possibility.... we might even get bumped to a higher level cap


ohgod ohgodohgod

BLIZZ please cave and give F2Ps WOTLK AS WELL

it.... could.... happen


i just wanna thank Guild Wars 2 for making blizz shit their pants, rushing to push out 5.0.4 and pandering to the masses to keep people playing WoW

Making Northrend available to F2P is a huge possibility.... we might even get bumped to a higher level cap


Thought you quit? Some rumor or something I guess.
ohgod ohgodohgod

BLIZZ please cave and give F2Ps WOTLK AS WELL

it.... could.... happen


i just wanna thank Guild Wars 2 for making blizz shit their pants, rushing to push out 5.0.4 and pandering to the masses to keep people playing WoW

Making Northrend available to F2P is a huge possibility.... we might even get bumped to a higher level cap



I think it will purse

With new players needing to but TBC, wrath, Cata, and mop, to get to full(120$), plus the 11 months of sub(1 free wit bchest)

Thats a lot. they will either grp cata/wrath together, or (i hope) add wrath to battlechest

But even though i hate GW2m i can thank them for my worgen FC rDruid(swiftness pot+darkflight+161% in trvl form(talented int it)) :)
New build thingy's

Rogues (bis sub with 2x wicked daggers)
are getting 700+ dummy's ambushes(nightstalker talent)
So, its 300 on players(counting resil, and 20% armor)
Deadly poisin ticking for 50 on players. and its after apply'd instadmg, is hitting 25 on players
NON critting
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am i the only one who thinks that priests are gonna be the worst healers in MOP?no mobility in comparison with other healer classes ,no long range attacks,no fortitude.
am i the only one who thinks that priests are gonna be the worst healers in MOP?no mobility in comparison with other healer classes ,no long range attacks,no fortitude.

Dise will be a bit better then Rdrood, IMHO
But Rshamm gonna be best, Rdrood best FC(speclially worgen)
ohgod ohgodohgod

BLIZZ please cave and give F2Ps WOTLK AS WELL

it.... could.... happen


i just wanna thank Guild Wars 2 for making blizz shit their pants, rushing to push out 5.0.4 and pandering to the masses to keep people playing WoW

Making Northrend available to F2P is a huge possibility.... we might even get bumped to a higher level cap



1st thought -> OMG Purse is alive!!!!

2nd thought -> 35 min till working week is over

3rd thought -> Northrend + archeology would be too good to be true... Professor Mórgana sound too awesome!

4th thought -> too bad Purse doesn't play anymore with us kids and just sneaks on forum instead :(
1st thought -> OMG Purse is alive!!!!

2nd thought -> 35 min till working week is over

3rd thought -> Northrend + archeology would be too good to be true... Professor Mórgana sound too awesome!

4th thought -> too bad Purse doesn't play anymore with us kids and just sneaks on forum instead :(

I just haven't finished redownloading WOW!!!!

only 4gb to go :) :) next week my WoW will be ready again
161% travel form with the talent? thats faster than mounts but if that actually happens, im taking that and baseline disentanglement

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