Moist question for 2nd prof on disc


Now of coarse alch is first :)
but tossing up the 2nd as jc is not as viable for disc since am going to be using so much wrathful im wondering what people think the next most viable prof is (speaking for arena)
Tailoring has a nice proc not sure what to take any thoughts would be appreciated <3
If its only arena, i dont see the problem with JC.
You get a nice resilience boots from 2 mystic chimeras eye(67 resi) ( if you use alche trink and beauty belt) and 1 dragons eye with 34 resi..
Jwc provides the highest boost to resilience, even using wrathful (2x 34 dragon's eyes and 1x 67 chimera's eye), but provides a low amount of other stats. BS again, provides a fairly high boost to resilience, especially if using the 308 gloves/289 bracers (90 resilience, around the same as JWC)

Other than that, tailoring is nice (afaik you get the leg enchants similar to LW, which you can keep after you drop the proffession), as well as leatherworking/Inscription. For PvP, leatherworking is the better of the two, given that you can choose between the bracer enchants (int, stamina, resistances).

I personally run leatherworking, but you may find a different choice works. Any other professions are sub-par compared to those I have mentioned.
hmm i knew about the frost resist but is it really worth it? , i mean i know most mages dont bother with spell pen but still 70 is not much, on the other hand the bracer chant is nice for int / stam

i think i may go with lw or jc after the input thank you guys :)
hmm i knew about the frost resist but is it really worth it? , i mean i know most mages dont bother with spell pen but still 70 is not much, on the other hand the bracer chant is nice for int / stam

i think i may go with lw or jc after the input thank you guys :)

Its not enough on its own, but with the Glacial set you should be set and ready (And YES, you should use this set vs. frost mage in arena)
Its not enough on its own, but with the Glacial set you should be set and ready (And YES, you should use this set vs. frost mage in arena)

yes while i understand and agree with this unless you organise to que into mage teams you cant really know what your going to vs , i do understand that some times only 1 other team has high mmr to que into you and would make perfect sence to use thank you for input :)
yes while i understand and agree with this unless you organise to que into mage teams you cant really know what your going to vs , i do understand that some times only 1 other team has high mmr to que into you and would make perfect sence to use thank you for input :)

The reason to use the glacial set is that whilst mages can't global you with 1600 resi, they can still kill you in a deep freeze. With ~500 frost resistance, you'll resist that deep freeze, along with the frost bolts and ice lances they choose to cast during it. I've found it rather difficult to die individually vs a mage with that gear (although some have managed). For most healers SP isn't really an issue, and if you do it right you'll only drop ~100 resi or so to grab the frost resistance, which is definitely worth it.
any chance at alll you could link a chadev with it on with ideal slots or link ur priest with set on :) <3

was wondering what pieces as all seem viable to use giving around 460 resist
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thank you very much for chardev means alot :)

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