Model Edit - 19 Twink Edition.

Double post second time in 3min, but nvm on that topic, I just realized when I looked at the bottom of the forums, that Donors are Green titled lmao, did not even intend on that... if that post bugs you I can remove it

Edited: Nvm I shouldn't even of asked. Removed.
So i would like some help on how to set this up. Is it like a private server? or what is this all about. looks awesome. PM me with the details plz.
ÃœberTwink said:
So i would like some help on how to set this up. Is it like a private server? or what is this all about. looks awesome. PM me with the details plz.

Erhm.. If you read the post, you'd see it's model editting.. nothing to do with private realms, this is for live. And it doesn't currently work I'll have it back up in a few days when I got time. It's just effort making. Check in once a day and it will be up soon enough.

Currently working for 3.3.5. I need reports from US if it works there, just renaming the folder to enUS?

Also, there might be a few items that might not be changed, please report them. This should be:

BiS items as following;

Shoulders, chests, gloves, legs, boots, weapons, shields.

I'll reply to wether or not the item in mentioned is supposed to have been changed. Have fun all!

Best regards,

Edit: Fixed
For me it doesn't work.

Nype said:
I couldn't get it to work either, I'm EU, probably just me tho :<


Did you do the following?:

1. Close your World of Warcraft.

2. Go to \World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\ -> and delete 'enGB'

3. Copy the downloaded folder into the folder where 'enGB' was before(it's called the same) and make sure it's named 'enGB'

4. Open your World of Warcraft - and log ALL the way in

5. Success!

Any further issues, reply here :)

I know it works for EU, 100%. Be course I'm currently using it - So if these steps still don't work, tell me what you're doing :)

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