mining vs skinning

hi it's me again:p now i just want to know which profession i should choose. Mining or Skinning ? i know mining gives you +7 stam once you reach lvl 225 and skinning gives you 9 critical, my question is, which is better ?, having the +7 on stam or 9 critical strike ?:confused: i can't do both cuz i need my engineering. so pls help me (again):D and pls if you have time, please explain it so i will fully know what to do.

Thank you so much in advance :D
well is mostly depends on class and how much health you have all ready. IF your a lock i would go stam because more health is better. If you lets says a rogue i would go crit. But it mostly depends on if you want more health if your a little low or if your good on health get crit.
your class/race really matter here also.

Skinning gives you ~3% crit, while mining gives you +70hp. If you are a FC, definitely go mining. Healer, you could go either way, depends on preference. As a DPS, you need to figure our if you usually roll with a healer, or have pots/bandaids in tow. Do you want to survive longer, or hit harder. It's all preference imo.
Heres my opinion

Flag carrier~mining

Dps (Rogue, Hunter, Warrior, Pally, Shaman)~Skinning

Dps (Mage, Warlock, Shaman)~mining

Healer~Mining..(skinning could work)

I Probably missed some stuff its late.
If you can only do one 'cuz you need your Engineering, you should really do Herbalism. It's like mining except 700HP instead of 70. You only need HP when someone's beating on you and there's usually plenty of time for the CD to reset in between harsh beatings.
ohh:eek: now i know which one i'll get, i'll go skinning :D thank you Wraynebao for telling me about herbalism. but right now i need some skill that i can use, not only for hordes but of course when dueling someone:) but for sure i'll try that in the future.

to those who reply, thank you so much:D
IF I'm not mistaking, 5crit rating is 2% crit on level 19

So 9 would be close too 4% crit thats rlly ALOT in my opinion. Atm i have 15.46% crit and leveling skinning.

So i would reach 19% crit on spells. I still need 1 more item with +5 critrating and alot more of intelect to go. this means i wil reach around 22% crit on my spelldmg shaman.

That can count already in my opinion
It mainly depends on your class and what specc you are going, I'd say if your going to make a priest/pally/mage/lock/shaman then go for mining/herb. If your making a warrior/pally for FC Herb/Mining but if you are going to make a hunter/rogue imo go for skinning/herb due to skinning is just better imo for a dps class.

Kítty said:
for FC Herb/Mining but if you are going to make a hunter/rogue imo go for skinning/herb due to skinning is just better imo for a dps class.Kítty

agree on that, and tbh on my priest i have 225 skinning/herb after having had 450 mining/herb. for a full sp healer i think skinning is better than mining (70 hp is less than 1,5 tick of my renew). but both mining and skinning are viable for healer, as long as you have herbalism.
It gives you a spell called Lifeblood which heals for about 700hp (although in the next patch it will heal more if you have a lot of health).
Herbalism, like the other two gathering professions (Skinning & Mining) each have a buff. For Herbalism it gives off a buff called Lifeblood Rank 1 which you require 75 Herbalism skills, once you get 150 Herbalism you get Lifeblood Rank 2 and at 225 Herbalism you get the last rank Lifeblood Rank 3.

Also just to add next patch they adding to Lifeblood.
Lifeblood now scales slightly with maximum health. No longer affected by global cooldown.
That was taken from World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.2 - Wowhead.


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