Mindthrust Bracers



Well i'm on the closing stages of gearing my priest twink with just AGM and just Mindthrust Bracers to go for full BiS.

Today I was unlucky enough to share a group with a f2p gnome mage when the bracers drop and inevitably he won ¬¬.

Now i'm farming them both on my twink and my 85 pala but have had no luck of any sorts, was wondering if anyone had any idea or experience of time in which it took them to farm them?

alternatively if anyone on Grim-Batol who has them would like to see them please contact me in game.

I HATE "starter edition" accounts who nonchalantly roll into groups a ninja everything. Then, if they actually can speak English, and you can somehow convince them that they don't need or shouldn't have the item and they agree to give it to you, they can't.

Good luck farming them. That will be fun.
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I had one win the wand in WC, it was a druid... He said he would learn to use the wand.

I am still farming the wand and bracers, and a few other things
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I had a warlock take the wand from me too even though I explained I was a twink and that he would get better soon but he ignored my bargaining and left the second the last boss died.

Luckily I got the wand thanks to a nice mage who passed...mind you he was the one who ninja'd the bracers 1 dungeon later ¬¬.

I wish you luck with farming the wand and bracers mate. :D
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I HATE "starter edition" accounts who nonchalantly roll into groups a ninja everything. Then, if they actually can speak English, and you can somehow convince them that they don't need or shouldn't have the item and they agree to give it to you, they can't.

Good luck farming them. That will be fun.

If you really hated them you would roll a 24 :)
I am EU but I don't want to transfer if I can avoid it due to lack of funds :/.

Thank you though :).
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