Mind blown


What still blows my mind are those no life healers that's stay in arena the whole time even when their teammate is nuked in first 2 mins.MAYBE if your 2k stay in the arena, but if your not gtfo and accept the defeat. Shit like that ruins the bracket.

Also blows my mind when a Disc/Rsham que for 2s and don't even attack and wait untill the other team quits.... Like wtf ?
I completely agree with the practice of two healers queuing arena in 2s and waiting out other comps.

I feel the tactic should be used only in the 2k+ brackets against pure fotm comps that require no skill

...Ppally + Spriest (sadly, this comp could beat 2 healers)
If you're double dps you shouldn't have a problem killing a healer, otherwise if the healer is stacked resil and you have no dispeller on your team it can get difficult and very annoying.
lol, rsham don't have to communicate... bkin, hunter is the strongest comp with communication... easily
Killing a 80%+ healer as double DPS while they have a partner alive? Good luck, speaking as one. Haven't died before the rest of my team ever, not even vs triple DPS.
fking hate it, prot pally/spriest/restro shaman all the way now, i play pally,lock and restro druid, if we lose we don't let the druid stay and just play around, its fking shit



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Sounds like Bgs now......12 prot pallies all resil stacked thinking they are awesome for no one killing them....ruined the bracket
This is exactly what i have seen the past 5 bgs .........wish they would learn to play a different class.....like the 19 bracket being all hunters and one damn priest lol
Atleast Shadow priest is getting a mobility nerf in 5.2, too bad Protection Paladins doesn't get a nerf aswell.

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