Miiiight Form another premade group


I'm probably not going to be as srs as Cata with this group, but I'd love to fight a 5man Premade of 24s vs an AP horde 10man Premade. Most likely wouldn't do this until 5.2. If I do it before 5.2, i'll be using a Destro Lock or a 2nd BM Hunter instead of a Frost Mage until 5.2.

Group will be as followed:

Restoration Druid FC
Holy Paladin
Disc Priest
Restoration Shaman

Prot Paladin
Combat Rogue
Arms Warrior
BM Hunter
Ele Shaman
Frost Mage

If you are ever interested to see how I'll be running the comp, I always stream my games @: themrcer

I most likely won't be holding a roster of who can come. But if you are ever interested feel free to hit me up! Doing this just for fun and you know I never lead a fail group ;)
If I do find the time to form a group, then we will use a druid fc. I am completely aware that warriors have the best dmg reduction, but druids have wild charge. Wild charge is just too flipping good. Even though they can't kite as easy with 4+ stacks, wild charge is an instant peel on a 15 second cooldown. A warrior fc can't outplay that.
Two resto druids on D can be pretty nasty with wild charge. ;)
You cannot charge from your flag room to roof.
Guardian druid? With all the recent buffs and a solid D they should b the best FC in a premade.
Guardian druid? With all the recent buffs and a solid D they should b the best FC in a premade.

Yep Agreed. And they have a huge advantages over other FCs. Best Mobility, They can shift out of slows/roots, Stealth through mid, Wild Charge is OP, and self heals.

In comparison to Warriors, Monks, and Paladins(stat wise)

Druids Have the highest amount of Armor.
Druids have 5% more stamina than Warriors, 5% Less than Paladins, Equal stamina to Monks.
Druids take 12% less damage from Melee than Paladins but 13% more damage than Monks/Warriors
Druids have a defensive CD unlike Paladins and Monks. But Warriors do to.

Only thing that Druids DO NOT have the advantage over is(stat wise):

5% Less Stamina than Paladins
Takes 13% more melee damage than Monks/Warriors.
You only get those benefits if you are in bear form.

Imo, with how short the CD is on Wild Charge and with it's current mechanics; that is a good enough reason to play a Druid FC over the other classes.
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support u making a team cer however the way the game is now we have rules that make it fair and balanced other wise its just to derp limit 3 heals per team sounds dumb but when u fight n mid for 18 min and nothing dies you'll know why. that includes resto druid fcs true ud be under pressure however the point of premading is competitive game play not run 4 or more heals at the time they are most OP so wed appreciate if you flex your comp for games as well as gear only f2ps could get. other wise you probably wont get a single match with me or lankypuss's team unless you change it up. perhaps reflex could start a team on moonguard and he would be ok with your terms we however are not. but good luck with your team bro good to see ya back!!!
i'd probably go gdruid for premades. so that's only 3 healers.

and what items are you talking about exactly?
anything normal p2ps can get boas chants etc.. and any thing like furlbog etc.. and if u run guard thatd be awesome!!! there are other rules but those are just some of main ones, hope your team comes together nicely!
I wasn't aware you and lanky did 5 man 24 premades. Cer also doesn't use gear that is restricted from f2ps.

well hes asking for a 5 man 24 with 5 20s as well im assuming to make up a team. im asking in regards to a potential premade against my team that's why I say the rules we have in case he wants a good ol game with us ;)
10 20s vs 5 24s + ur 5 pugs.

f2ps restricted only to what's available to them, no outside buffs(shouldnt need to explain that). 24s can use any and all advantages they want to including consumables, just no outside buffs.

Meaning if wanted to run 5 spriests you could. Or a 24 Worgen Rdruid with Speed pots or a 24 BM Monk with Free action potions. Any comp, any consumables, anything, just no outside buffs.

And we'll stick to the normal overly accepted rules ofc. No outside buffs, 3 healers, no more than 2 stealthers, no more than 2 of the same class, etc etc.
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