I'm probably not going to be as srs as Cata with this group, but I'd love to fight a 5man Premade of 24s vs an AP horde 10man Premade. Most likely wouldn't do this until 5.2. If I do it before 5.2, i'll be using a Destro Lock or a 2nd BM Hunter instead of a Frost Mage until 5.2.
Group will be as followed:
Restoration Druid FC
Holy Paladin
Disc Priest
Restoration Shaman
Prot Paladin
Combat Rogue
Arms Warrior
BM Hunter
Ele Shaman
Frost Mage
If you are ever interested to see how I'll be running the comp, I always stream my games @: themrcer
I most likely won't be holding a roster of who can come. But if you are ever interested feel free to hit me up! Doing this just for fun and you know I never lead a fail group
Group will be as followed:
Restoration Druid FC
Holy Paladin
Disc Priest
Restoration Shaman
Prot Paladin
Combat Rogue
Arms Warrior
BM Hunter
Ele Shaman
Frost Mage
If you are ever interested to see how I'll be running the comp, I always stream my games @: themrcer
I most likely won't be holding a roster of who can come. But if you are ever interested feel free to hit me up! Doing this just for fun and you know I never lead a fail group