Is it possible for f2p to steal these? Cause I tried to steal the Undercity one for several times and it keeps killing me while trying to loot (in log: Flame of the Undercity Cleansing Flames hit You for.. something like 5k dmg). Am I doing something wrong?
Is the only way to loot it using paladin's bubble and would that even help at all?
Thank you
Just my question. Is this a new thing? I stole all city fires back 2013, this year I came back and say what the heck thats more 100 petals.
First day I go Silvermoon got the fire with 2 corpse run, very easy btw. Nobody there.
Second day I go Thunder Bluff (I remembered that was easy also) and now there is a fokin Bluff Watcher killed me instantly.
The 5th try and I wanted to walk away, but there was a friendly paladin he resurrected me. And killed all guards. Still when I touched the fire instantly get killed.
It Said: Cleansing Fire killed me not the guards, not another enemy player. The fire itself when I touched it. The paladin give me protection with some impenetrable shiled, and Ive got the quest this time.
Third thay Orgrimmar, 1 corpse run and Ive touched the fire, and Ive got it. I thought I cant I want to test is.
Fourth day Udercity, and get killed again.
What is this? Anybody Know? Is there a way to steal the fire by yourself?
Thanks; currently grinding Outland on one of my main chars, and hunting Blingtrons. Going to see if I can physically exit the midsummer Ahune dungeon, as that is (under) Zangarmarsh.
And still have to work out how to get to Deepholme. Going to see if I can swim to the Maelstrom via Broken Isles, but apparently at the Maelstrom a) there is a barrier to stop people getting out to fish, etc. (probably also stop you getting in) and b) some kind of auto-ressurect, so you can't even die and resurrect at a graveyard inside.
We'll see!
My bet u cant. But give it a try, anybody said in the old days u can't swim to Vashj'ir and still u can corpse run there. Anyway why don't u just ask a warlock to summon you there?