Mid Strat, Is there a counter?


Dare to be Optimistic
The Mid strat is a very strong concept and really really hard to counter if you have a Defense in the base. If one team does it, it almost forces the other team to do it aswell. Making you play on their terms. I have been thinking alot about this, mainly because I truly dislike the midstrat. It caters to range classes to be able to do as much damage as possible, often making the games come down to the last minute.

What does the mid strat do for games?

Makes Range classes the only class option you want as dps

Makes for the highest possible numbers for those range classes

Makes it alot easier to GY farm (contain if you must)

I begin thinking about the strat as a whole and It leads me to wonder why do we do this? Yes it is effective, yes if your team is full of Ranged, Heals, and a strong FC it will cater to your strengths. But its leading people that would rather play other classes to have no choice and play a class that is good in Mid. Which in my opinion is what is wrong with this bracket, why people almost have to roll a OP class to survive and help there team win.

Why cant twinks roll what they want to roll and still have a chance at winning? people will say, you can roll what ever you want to roll, but if you do your putting faith in the hands of your other twinks to roll OP classes so you actually have a chance at winning. Due to the Mid Strat.

Can anyone think of a counter to the Mid Strat?
I hate the middle strat and it makes me not queue :(
I don't see any other solution than O/D games again in eu, but its ok I can step back if most people prefer the mid strat :rolleyes:
There isn't really a counter to this strategy, and that's why everyone does it. It forces you to play the game they want to play, 20 minutes of midzerg contests.

Only viable options are to coordinate and put them in their GY and keep ahold of middle, or have a stealthed rdruid cross mid, escorted by all available rogues to sap mid targets while crossing, then meeting with your group on the other side.
There isn't really a counter to this strategy, and that's why everyone does it. It forces you to play the game they want to play, 20 minutes of midzerg contests.

Only viable options are to coordinate and put them in their GY and keep ahold of middle, or have a stealthed rdruid cross mid, escorted by all available rogues to sap mid targets while crossing, then meeting with your group on the other side.

I don't think you are completely grasping what the mid strat is.

On topic: Turtle your own base with the flag, make them come to you and get strung out if they want to engage at all.
I don't think you are completely grasping what the mid strat is.

On topic: Turtle your own base with the flag, make them come to you and get strung out if they want to engage at all.

dont give away the secret
Don't play their game. Control the flow of the game by communicating early and often.

Good luck in a pug however :cool:. It's like herding retarded zebras.
as for counter lol not much u can do if one team commits to doing it. as for what it does for games, usually ends up putting the control into the hands of the team who has more/better boomkins/purges/arc mages/discs/hunters etc. i think more people than not (including me, maybe cuz of my classes) enjoy the big team fights where you get to utilize the strengths of the classes on your team
I can promise you the only people that enjoy mid fights are the people who prefer to roll Ranged/OP classes, A good majority of players do not like Mid fights, only reason why it happens so often is that the people who do enjoy it are ones that que often and as a group.

The only counter I can see is the Turtling in base. And even then that doesnt do much.
I can promise you the only people that enjoy mid fights are the people who prefer to roll Ranged/OP classes, A good majority of players do not like Mid fights

i dunno... a good majority of players in ^this situation implies that the majority play melee classes.
i dunno... a good majority of players in ^this situation implies that the majority play melee classes.

Key word is prefer, there are alot of twinks out there that are rolling ranged/healers instead of a class they prefer just so that they can play to win. I can promise you I know of atleast 10 people that are playing a different twink that what they would rather play because what they would rather play is not really effective in a mid fight situation.
mid fights are fun as arms warrior as long as you have good healers

Lots of ppl in small area = more SPLAT

running around the whole map often times with no combat - less SPLAT
only counter would be fast pick with druid fc, followed by a stealth playing D in flagroom, while the rest of the team heal/kite mid(as group)
Only strat that seems viable other than a better mid team, I would go as far enough to say to not even attempt to kill anyone during the kite, just cc them so stack mages in stam gear to try and prevent the squishyness of them.
Best counter i can see besides having 2 resto druids going to get the flag (One FC and one healer) is to hug GY side. By the time the other team sees that you are all to the the right of the map you may be able to LoS around the resto hut if your lucky. But either way there will be people trying to use the Mid-Strat. The reason i know for certain that they will use it is because the people who farm mid are the same ones who GY farm, and the people who GY farm will chase you all the way across mid just to kill you.
It is a form of a mid strat but it isn't similar in anything other than it is in the middle.

its the exact same thing as normal mid strat but with a druid stealthing across mid

and if other team happens to get flag before u can quick cap with druid which will most likely always happen then it puts your team at a huge disadvantage not much of a strat tbh
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