Michael Jackson should have died 10 years ago

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KillLarryDead said:
I don't know. I'm on two different forums. And on both they have the stupid MJ jokes going around that aren't funny and never will be. I wake up the morning he died and my girlfriend's phone that she just let me have has like 4 chain letters with unfunny jokes about MJ. I say my girlfriends phone because when I had my phone, I bitched people out for sending me those stupid things.

It's just getting old. In all of the threads and jokes about it, I've yet to see something even slightly funny. :(

And yes, I know he was up to something funny but I seriously doubt he slept with a bunch of little boys. Respect him as a dead performer (notice how I didn't you musician?). Keep the jokes to yourself unless it's something new and original.

it depends on your sense of humor really. i dont find a lot of the old "michael jackson raped little kids" jokes since theyve been around for years now (didnt find them funny when he was alive either), but the dark humor that came about from his death is another issue. its not for everyone

i dont that his death, however, is a reason to keep jokes to yourself
Regardles of what you may think of a person, praising their death is a terriable thing. Send your condolences to his family instead of mocking his death becuase of rumors that were spread around, how do you know if they really happened or not.
Oh for god's sake so there is so much whining in this thread. Read the OP. Aside from his recent death, any news involving Michael Jackson was horrible. He looked creepier than Henry Waxman and came under suspicion of pedophilia. If he had died 10 years ago he'd have left a positive legacy. That's my simple point and it's not insulting; it's just an observation.

As for MJ jokes, I think they're hilarious and so do many others. I am sick of tight-asses and their pretentious opinions of "immature" humor. Laughing because someone simply said something about a fart is immature. Laughing at a well-made joke that involves a fart is not immature. The same is true for sexual topics. Get over yourself.

As for his trials, I can't be sure whether or not he is guilty of touching kids but if OJ can get away with a crime just because he got a good lawyer, Michael Jackson can do it. But that's the bullet we bite for making a fair court system for everyone else.
Naturaltalnt said:
Regardles of what you may think of a person, praising their death is a terriable thing. Send your condolences to his family instead of mocking his death becuase of rumors that were spread around, how do you know if they really happened or not.

jokes arising from his death =/= praising his death
Naturaltalnt said:
Would those jokes arise if he was liked instead of disliked? Theres a possability of a few, but to no where never the extent that it would be if he was disliked.

lots of people made jokes about patrick swayze when he had cancer and he wasnt disliked

so yes

although i will disagree with the jury's decision...he probably was a child molester :p

but anyways ya pretty good points
fuzzles said:
Oh for god's sake so there is so much whining in this thread. Read the OP. Aside from his recent death, any news involving Michael Jackson was horrible. He looked creepier than Henry Waxman and came under suspicion of pedophilia. If he had died 10 years ago he'd have left a positive legacy. That's my simple point and it's not insulting; it's just an observation.

As for MJ jokes, I think they're hilarious and so do many others. I am sick of tight-asses and their pretentious opinions of "immature" humor. Laughing because someone simply said something about a fart is immature. Laughing at a well-made joke that involves a fart is not immature. The same is true for sexual topics. Get over yourself.

As for his trials, I can't be sure whether or not he is guilty of touching kids but if OJ can get away with a crime just because he got a good lawyer, Michael Jackson can do it. But that's the bullet we bite for making a fair court system for everyone else.

You call me a tight ass, I say your jokes aren't funny. It's not that the jokes are immature, THEY JUST AREN'T FUNNY. They weren't when he was alive and now that he's dead, I have to hear them all over again. Not really sure what you are going on about the immature/fart joke rant but it has nothing to do with anything, ever. Regardless, if the said fart joke was "well-made" or not, it still isn't funny and I'd rather not here the same joke over and over and over again. Also, the jokes really aren't offensive as much as they are just plain stupid.

Also, I don't see any whining in the thread. Just observations and stupid jokes.

I honestly don't really care about the controversy around him or even the fact that he's dead...

Edit: Fart jokes > MJ jokes :)
KillLarryDead said:
You call me a tight ass, I say your jokes aren't funny. It's not that the jokes are immature, THEY JUST AREN'T FUNNY. They weren't when he was alive and now that he's dead, I have to hear them all over again. Not really sure what you are going on about the immature/fart joke rant but it has nothing to do with anything, ever. Regardless, if the said fart joke was "well-made" or not, it still isn't funny and I'd rather not here the same joke over and over and over again. Also, the jokes really aren't offensive as much as they are just plain stupid.

Also, I don't see any whining in the thread. Just observations and stupid jokes.

I honestly don't really care about the controversy around him or even the fact that he's dead...

Edit: Fart jokes > MJ jokes :)
I see lots of whining right here.

Most people laugh at a good Michael Jackson joke. For whatever reason they aren't funny to you, it simply means you see them in bad taste. They're funny, just not to people like you. And believe it or not your standards are not the universal standards. So if you're "so sick of hearing them" then don't stick in a thread full of it.

And by the way...

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Little Boy Blue.

Little Boy Blue who?


fuzzles said:
I see lots of whining right here.

Most people laugh at a good Michael Jackson joke. For whatever reason they aren't funny to you, it simply means you see them in bad taste. They're funny, just not to people like you. And believe it or not your standards are not the universal standards. So if you're "so sick of hearing them" then don't stick in a thread full of it.

And by the way...

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Little Boy Blue.

Little Boy Blue who?



So, what you can whine about me stating I have a different opinion that you? And I'm the whiner? Wow, buddy, your intelligence is dipping into dumbfuck. I don't think they are in bad taste. And I didn't say that. I just don't think they are funny. I don't know why you can't grasp that little concept. Also, if you could figure out the reading process and actually read my posts and the rest of the thread, you would see that I didn't say anything about the jokes until someone else brought it up.

I also like how you use all these lolgoodpoints when they can be turned around in my favor. Example since you aren't good at reading:

fuzzles said:
Most people laugh at a good Michael Jackson joke. Wrong. A good bit of people in this thread alone didn't think it was funny.For whatever reason they aren't funny to you, it simply means you see them in bad taste.Or maybe you just have bad taste in jokes or a terrible sense of humor overall. They're funny, just not to people like you.Yes, people like me. Intelligent people like me. And believe it or not your standards are not the universal standards.Ditto. So if you're "so sick of hearing them" then don't stick in a thread full of it.Read above. I didn't say anything until I realized I'm not alone and I agreed with him who just so happened to, you guessed it, be in this thread.

Also, quit whining about me disagreeing with you.
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