Message for 19 hunters


Ok, so i have been doing alot of bgs lately, and every game, we get some half twinked hunters. This is just a message to those hunters. If you are rolling a hunter, atleast get reasonable gear and finish with your enchants. Thank you.
Hugzlol said:
Ok, so i have been doing alot of bgs lately, and every game, we get some half twinked hunters. This is just a message to those hunters. If you are rolling a hunter, atleast get reasonable gear and finish with your enchants. Thank you.

kinda goes for all classes :D but i agree
Hugzlol said:
Ok, so i have been doing alot of bgs lately, and every game, we get some half twinked hunters. This is just a message to those hunters. If you are rolling a hunter, atleast get reasonable gear and finish with your enchants. Thank you.

First you all complain hunters are too great and you hate them and never want to see any ever again, then, when YOU'RE NOT the one FACING them you wish they were as overpowered as they could possibly be.

Double standard much.
i so agree, it is hunters that go 1/2 way to twinked then queue for wsg's that give hunters a bad name. it is demeaning to be beat in pvp by a mediocre hunter with half gear
Awesome said:
i so agree, it is hunters that go 1/2 way to twinked then queue for wsg's that give hunters a bad name. it is demeaning to be beat in pvp by a mediocre hunter with half gear

That's not the whole reason of why hunters have a bad name, though.
Awesome said:
i so agree, it is hunters that go 1/2 way to twinked then queue for wsg's that give hunters a bad name. it is demeaning to be beat in pvp by a mediocre hunter with half gear

bad name? LOL all it is showing is how OP hunters are and how much work they have to put into gearing. 1/2 geard hunters are still too good any ways. i have played a 19 hunter, the play style is SOOOO boring! idk how pizza and other twink hunters play a hunter all day! hunters are cheap nuff said.
Randythehero said:
bad name? LOL all it is showing is how OP hunters are and how much work they have to put into gearing. 1/2 geard hunters are still too good any ways. i have played a 19 hunter, the play style is SOOOO boring! idk how pizza and other twink hunters play a hunter all day! hunters are cheap nuff said.

(insert hunter rant here)

any class can be OP if you know how to play it...except warriors. WTB hamstring!!!
Awesome said:
(insert hunter rant here)

any class can be OP if you know how to play it...except warriors. WTB hamstring!!!

SORRY, but no.

Hunters are WAY up front in the Overpower matter. (Same for pally if you ask me)
@OP: great sig.

Tards are sick when there's 4-5 of them. Same with pallies.

4-5 rogues on Ally side is a sure loss. Horde rogues work in pairs or pair up with another toon and hurt you bad.
In all honesty and in all respect to all players. The flavor of the month twinks / wanna-be twinks will never go away. Hunters have always been the "flavor of the month" from what I have seen and in recent bg's its been confirmed. I myself; am rolling a priest to throw a curv ball into the whole huntard parade. Now, I'll admit, there are some good hunters out there. PizzaPie, Beau and Ducky imo are some of the upper class hunters. The only real way to deal with the flavor of the month twinks is to just wait them out. Eventually they will get sick of having better player's faceroll them, come on. The whole point why a person rolls a OP class is to play it while it is OP from what I have seen.

As for the wanna-be twinks, can't really get rid of them... All I can hope for is that they get enough honor for whatever the hell they are saving up for and be on their marry way. I don't have a problem with any class, but speaking from a PoV of a Hunter, a Rogue, a Druid, a Priest, a Mage and a Warlock... Hunters get a bit up on the OP meter, rogues are a bit out there as well but not like they use to be. All we can hope for is a patch were the damage gets reduced or mildly fixed.
It shouldn't be hard considering they modified Lv80+ damage for Feral Druid abilities without effecting the lower levels. They've done it before.

Reduce so and so damage to 75% until 80 where it returns to its normal self.
What he is trying to say is not so that the hunters on his side do better, its so they get more respect. I saw a hunter in a bg the other day and he commented on how good on the charts he was. I told him his gear was bad and its easy to play a hunter. His reply was:

"Dude i made this toon last night."

The people that play the "flavor of the month". Bad geared/skilled hunters are still too OP. Ive seen horrible hunters backpedal and still be topping the charts.

/waiting for the nerfbat.
Tonkks said:
What he is trying to say is not so that the hunters on his side do better, its so they get more respect. I saw a hunter in a bg the other day and he commented on how good on the charts he was. I told him his gear was bad and its easy to play a hunter. His reply was:

"Dude i made this toon last night."

The people that play the "flavor of the month". Bad geared/skilled hunters are still too OP. Ive seen horrible hunters backpedal and still be topping the charts.

/waiting for the nerfbat.

There's a high chance that these low level nerfs won't be brought up untill after 4.1. So you'll be waiting for a long time.
I hate to /rage in your thread Hugz, but I'll be honest that's why I haven't really been active in the twink community or WoW as of late. I've had this same one and only twink since beginning of BC if I remember right. It bugs me to no end to go into a BG and see 7/10 people are all hunters 'cause it's the flavor of the month. I chose this class 'cause it was something new to me and fun now I'm thinking I may have to role something else just to get away from the stereotypes and nerd raging at "OMG ur another huntard!!1!1!!one!11 go re-role..blah blah blah"

The OPness that is hunters won't last (hopefully much longer), I know that but I'll still be one til' the end. Just wanted to get my rant out so I felt better. =P haha
they did a nerf on hunters DPS because hunters were topping DPS charts in PVE, one of the mage rolling bubble boy sons of blizzard exec didn't like it, and hunters got nerfed several patches ago. the nerf was blanket applied and really affected hunters at 69+. the rebuff was on aimed shot. and another on conc-shot. too many players look at DPS #'s at the end of a BG and it's not a true indicator of what is going on.

disc - priests are slipping under the radar and most of what they do is not reflected in BG stats and hidden. damage negated/absorbed my the bubbles they can respam over and over on them selves and other players. so no QQ on them. yet roll in a 19 BG and no hunter 1 vs 1 can kill one. any good healing class can attrite down a hunter.

many hunters know this, and for some reason DPS farm in BGs, i have seen them chasing priests and holy paladins getting no where but plugging a ton of arrows and later catch them in BG chat on winning/losing games bragging or claiming others are noobs using generated false DPS numbers to make themselves look good.

hunters are a issue in 19's, but i LOL, when i know and see some of the players QQing on them roll priests and paladins. h/d-priests and h/p-paladins are more gamebreaking than hunters.

another LOL is posting in your defense that you have been playing priest/palies from the start is funny when your level 10 date is after 10/18/2008. also saying you once played at the start....quit or deleted your player and rerolled same class.....yeah....sure you did.

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