Merry Christmas Eve + Introduction


Hello TI people,

I have been browsing these forums for months but never really registered to post til now. I guess a little about me and my addiction (WoW) is needed.

I have only ever twinked a 39 rogue, that's it, unless I want to count the failure 19 rogue that had beastslayer enchants on both weapons (my girlfriend at the time was leveling enchanting and wouldn't let me take them off.) BUT both that account and that girlfriend are gone. That was in 2005.

I am now married, and my wife and I play the free to play edition of WoW. We could pay for it, but we are typically so busy that we've found the shortened gear and level caps to be perfect for us. SO, after this intro post and a few others, I will probably be spending all of my time on the f2p forums.

A little about when we payed for it... We got to duelist together (hunter+priest) in Wrath, along with server firsts on Malygos and Naxx. We both quit before ICC was out because we were moving in together, and never really got back into playing except for the free 7 days we got when Cata came out.

After browsing the f2p forums for so long, I have finally decided to roll on Aerie Peak with the others (more than likely with no wife, she is enjoying her priest on Proudmoore WAY too much apparently.) So I will play on AP while she is away and I am here at home (which will be for the next two weeks, yay my job for giving me all my vacation time at once at the end of the year.)

For christmas so far, we've recieved a cutlery set, a box of snacks from my mother (haha.) and a large all-in-one printer. I do not know what else to say, so I will leave you all with a MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE, yo.
Just letting you know, you're going to despise F2P soon enough unless you roll a Pally. Say goodbye to any resemblance of balance.
Heh... oh I already know. I have a 20 hunter on Proudmoore and it's tough to even think about rolling something else on AP, but I more than likely will just so I can have something different. I just did a /who 20, and I was like "Okay, 3 or 4 of each class, that's coo-- Hunter ZOOOOM, like 9 of them or something, one mage, 5 paladin. Bleh." So I will give it some thought, but I won't be making another hunter I don't think. I have some questions I want to ask the f2p community about pvp, but I'll wait til my post count is high enough.
Merry Christmas and have fun!
You too Eliot! I see you have a toon on AP too. It must be a fun bracket eh.

EDIT: Bracket... Server. Either/or.
Welcome to the website!
Thank you Oliks! I wasn't sure quite what inspired me to finally register, since I have been browsing for months and just never wanted to. But I am here now, so its the past.
Umpteenth, I think I saw you in GS a few minutes ago, unless someone with a very similar name plays on AP too. You have some nice gear.

I did end up making a hunter, but it is for soloing. The Mrs and I will make toons later tonight and I will make a mage, and she wants a prot pally or something of the sort. Not that anyone here cares.

ANYWHO, I think this is my fifth post, so I can start posting in the free to play section. Nice talking to you who's reading this right now. I will keep browsing over here when I can, since I'm trying to level my hunter right now.

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