Daltert Moropi
happy late Christmas
also, here's me on my new early x-mas mount.
also, here's me on my new early x-mas mount.
You try Uldaman end chest? Doesn’t have any bop but could drop greens maybe? Not sure how it worksCan loot chest in MC, the Majordomo Executus fight as well as the Lilian Voss boss chest in Scholomance.
But you can't loot the Gordok tribute run chest
Also, pretty sure you can get the Well Read achievement now.
Also also, makes sense!
View attachment 14045
Not yet but probably soon, just kinda going down the list haha.You try Uldaman end chest? Doesn’t have any bop but could drop greens maybe? Not sure how it works
Cool just threw it out there cause it’s a chest you didn’t mention yet, not sure if it will be any goodNot yet but probably soon, just kinda going down the list haha.
Cool just threw it out there cause it’s a chest you didn’t mention yet, not sure if it will be any good
Nice!!! +200 achievements))Hola fellow lvl20 players!
Chistmas IRL is one thing, but how about Christmas in Azeroth?
Do you feel really happy with the one tiny toy-of-the-year that Father Winter gives you?
What if there was more for you this Christmas, like a bunch of achievements, plently of transmogs, and reputations to farm .... things that have not been possible for a while, or maybe even for ever?
A huge thanks to @Bleff for his post about the Direbrew's Remote glitch, it's what pushed us to look deeper in what could be done with Korrak's Revenge event
Q: What is it?A "creative use of a game mechanic" that enables any low level (lvl10+) to access instances up to a requirement of lvl60.
The access to new instances means new achievements (linked to the completion of the instances), new reputations to farm (that can only be done inside instances), and new transmogs (when you're able to get BoP items).
Q: Since when do you know it?Me, @Conzil and @Kórnikus20 have been working on testing that "feature" for about 10 days now.
Q: Why revealing it?Being obvious that it enables the collection of many new things and that it'll be available only for a limited amount of time, for a fairness between collectors either on achievements or tmogs, we decided to share it with the community. So that everyone can get that stuff that will become GF soon. (and because we're not egocentric assholes ...)
Q: Is it limited in time?Yes. The use of this "method" is tied to the Korrak's Revenge event. Once WoW's anniversary is over, you can't use that anymore. Meaning that you have until January 7/8 to use it.
We are aware that revealing all that may just lead to it being patched. But we don't really care. We prefer that everyone gets some fun at farming new things than just keeping it for us.
To not take too many risks, we'll remove the detailled steps on January 1st, to prevent that it keeps being openly accessible to everyone.
This Creative-Use-Of-A-Game-Mechanic can't in any way be used to gain advantage over other players.
Everything done with it is purely cosmetic (transmogs, achievements, reputations, ...)
The same starter edition limitations are applied, especially on looting rules.
This "path" only enables to enter instances up to a requirement of lvl60.
We ask you to not repost the detailled steps or produce a video with every details of the method, as it could be useful in the future in case another event like that happens. The less "proofs" being accessible, the less chance it gets patched by Blizz's no-fun team. Nonetheless, feel free to shoot your runs and everything else you do with that method
THE FOLLOWING STEPS WOULD BE EDITED OUT ON JANUARY 1stYou basically need 3 people in addition to your character on which you want to glitch: one warlock (lvl60+), and two others to help him. I'll refer to those characters as the "friends" in the rest of the explanation. The easiest to have two other guys is to just have two high levels. But there are other ways to het "helpers" for the summon
- Step 1: Gather your "friends"
Bring the three "friends" in the instance of your choice. Meanwhile queue for Korrak's revenge with your lvl20 character.
- Step 2: Setup your characters
Once the battleground pop, enter in it with your lvl20. Meanwhile, make a Ritual of summoning with the "friends".
You can invite the lvl20 to the group at whatever point of the process, before or after having queued up and entered the battleground.
Summon the lvl20 to the instance, but only accept the summon request after that the doors of the battleground open. If you do it before, nothing will happen, you'll just need to summon again.
- Step 3: Make the summon
- Step 4: Enjoy
Multiple notes:
- In the majority of the instances, dying inside and releasing the spirit just put you back at the entrance of the instance, inside it. But there are 2-3 instances where dying throw you outside of the instance.
- Beware to the dungeon resets and groups made of characters from different realms. The phasing between the different characters is not always kept in the instance after long periods of time.
- If you want to do some classic raids, beware on how the instance lockout works, would be sad to be blocked alone in it with a lvl20
- We didn't reveal everything doable with that method. That's your part of the job
Xmog? Sure. That's coming next month.Think vet/f2p sulfuras possible post shadowland?
I’m glad I quit retail as I would have surely died from liver failure after drinking monsters to stay up a week straight and farm everything that I want on Crystal.
Trurly an amazing find!
edit: if it was possible, I’m sure a F2P only MC run would be an amazing sight.
Can we get into BT farm Ashtongue Deathsworn rep and buy the trinkets?