Merged BG bugs

random battleground, i get into one here and there, 90% of the time it will not let me enter. i try to log out and back in....go thru a log wait happens again, can't enter. also can't leave que and re-enter que

not enough players, started the 5 minute countdown....was at 30 seconds counting down, game doesn't quit normal and show stats like before and all of a sudden it starts listing players who left that battle, then i get booted and have a 15 minute deserter buff. i was in a fight at stables when this happened.

after 3 not being able to enter random bg's, i start queing for 2 bg's and switching....21 minutes no pops. reque random....BG POPS!...won't let me enter.

because of this bug buffoonery, i do one BG and then can't do any for 15-40 minutes

we may need to get everyone to just que for the same 2 BGs till the bugs get worked out?

inaccurate avg BG times i'm still seeing like 2 minutes etc, on a WSG BG and 34 minutes later still no BG
Aye, I've been getting most of these bugs too.

I'm on a capped BC account. I found that by going to the dude and actually turning my xp off solved some of the issues. Before I did that I couldn't get into any bgs.
got 3 players capped and 2 players XP off......they all get shafted the same on these bugs

to top that it, stuff like getting AFK-buff ruins ques because i'm sure i'm not only player getting it
doubt i will see him....unless you are switching to US battlegroup
new one

QUED for battleground (any).......BUT!....NOT REALLY QUED:mad:

i have discovered at times when i was qued and seeing avg BG is 4 minutes and 14 minutes later i'm still in que, made me wonder? so i would try to leave que and couldn't. another way i know i'm not in a BG que...when i can que for dungeon finder when i'm supposed to be in BG ques
I got this bug every second time.
i know i shouldn't complain since BGs are.....somewhat rolling again, but:

Battleground matching and placing is extremely poor. the lag at which it takes the blizzard system to place players into BGs....poor. system is not filling or back filling BGs and mostly just puking trash formations, and moving on to the next

i rolled different players on 2 accounts at same time. 2 players at once, qued random. note, below scenarios....i did not add false ques, and ques that i could not enter.

- player 1 after 7 minutes gets put into a AB. 15 ally and 7 horde. score is at like 1100 to 260ish. game obviously was going on for awhile. right away i ask if players bailed, one player responds game started 15-2.

here is the LOL

- player 2, qued at same time as player 1, and both horde to boot, after 14 minutes...was put into a AV where there was 30+ horde and 21 alliance

duel boxing could get no consistency

- player 3 logged (ally) (after 1 was done) 4 min que and got WSG 6 ally and 10 horde

- player 2 reque after 7 minutes got EOTS which had 15 alliance and 3 horde

- player 3 reque after quick loss get into AV 27 to 14 horde

- player 2 after quick loss get into AB 8 ally to 15

i'm totally baffled at WTF-ever the system is doing, hopefully they fix the crap fast.
more LOL....blizz buffoonery! check this out

have one alliance and one horde qued for AB CoA (duel games rolling).

- horde, shows 7 min avg....still in que 14 minutes later and still in a real que

- alliance shows 4 min avg....has done done three 15 alliance to horde 4-7 games in that 14 joke
Well usually when i queue up with friends at the same time, if 1 of us has the que bug (not let you enter the BG) everyone will. My guess to why matchmaking isn't working right (one of the teams outnumbering the other) is that the people that are suppose to be in the game can't be there because they are experiencing the queue bug which i get 50% of the time.

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