Mehh 70 twink guild Khaz Modan (H)


Hello All of those in twinkinfo!

"Mehh" (US) is looking for more members to fill out our 25 man team! We raid Tues-thirs 6pm-9pm Centeral

We are really searching for 2 more tanks maybe 1 more heal and specific dps!

At the moment we are highly filled on Pallys (but another Prot pally could never hurt

we run every raid weekley from kara to SWP

Hit me up here or as

KWB on Khaz modan Ty!
im guessing us?
Bump Needing only these specific classes

Hunter- have 0 hunts some how >.>

Warriors- prot and fury

Warlocks- have 0 as well >.>

Shamans- Enh or ele

Mage- cant get enough firepower;)

ANY other skilled players that have the classes i have not named are still welcome to join :D

Really and truely full on pallys though:D but 1 prot pally could never hurt!

Plz message here or in Game too KWB:)

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