EU+US Meet The Twinks: Mvq

What or whom got you into twinking?

I started Twinking in TBC after my brother introduced me to it. I took a break from Twinking after WOTLK came out and focused on end-game until the end of MoP where I picked up 20-24s and MAN did I have fun. I was hooked from the beginning. I stumbled upon Twinkinfo looking for a guild and found the GSC recruitment thread. I posted an Application to get an invite, which you can read here: and got accepted! In 2015 the Twink Cup came around and they needed an FC desperately, so they asked me to join. And that's how I got introduced to 19s, and I've never looked back.

What is your favorite class?


What is your favorite race?



jk, Night Elf.

What is/was your favorite expac?

WoD. May you rest in peace old friend.

Explain where Mvq derived from!

I've always named myself Mvp, but it was taken when I was creating my first 19 twink on US servers after the 2015 TC had ended. So I thought that swapping the p with a q would make it look the same. Sometimes I like to pretend that my name stands for "Most valueable Queer".


Name some of the guilds you have been in.

SPC, GSC and SR.
To give you some detail on SPC since most readers won't be familiar with it, SPC was the most cancerous guild of the 20-24 bracket back in MoP. Now, why would I join this guild? Well, that's a good question. An Officer of GSC kicked me after seeing me do ToT jumps which were perfectly legal at the time. He had his own rules. And Dan didn't do anything. :( I was so sad, I even still have the screenshot. God damn Beastclaw. #NeverForget

You got a favorite?

I love GSC with all my heart, except Lucas, but I have to say SR. For one reason only: They made me to the Twink I am. I know it sounds cliché, but it's true. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have become one of the best FCs of WoD. And if that hadn't happened I wouldn't have played for GSC in the Twink Cup and WON! - Especially Kancer and Pizza. I would have talks with them for HOURS about one play. They had no reason to do that. It was out of pure kindness. Can't thank them enough.

Congrats on your Twink Cup win/badge! That must have been EPIC?!

It was, yeah.

Care to share anything we wouldn't know about the behind the scenes stuff?!

Hmm, I only played 2 games. I was subbing for HB because we needed him on Mage in case we wanted to run some other comp that I don't remember. It was crucial to winning the TC since we basically made playing w/o rogue impossible against us since we had that pocketpick. Atleast that's how I remember the strat being.

How many TCs have you been apart of?


Any take aways from your TC experiences?!

It's fun, but the drama created by it is some of the most cancerous there is because you care soooo much that your emotions get the best of you sometimes.

You excited for this years Twink Cup?

Not really, not a big fan of Legion gameplay.

Are you playing?! With whom?!

Hopefully I'll play with GSC.


Ok ok ok, straight to Cata Meteorite! Just how long have you been working on this puppy?

It's been too long man, about 4 months.

Who all is involved?

@Hardbass /Ashley, @Blueprint /Dan, Jamey/Jameyboor and Me.

In terms of work hours, give us a ball park of the type of shifts you and your crew are banging out.

Over 2000 easily.

Do you write code? If so, are you stealing my identity while you read this?!

I'm still learning, but yeah. For the code I don't know how to do yet I have Jamey to do it for me.

What are some of the bugs you have run into? Any fucked up shit that is funny or greasy?

Thorns and Rejuvenation couldn't be applied on the same target and literally everything was LoS in Warsong which cost us over 600$ to fix.

What is something that has surprised you with the game play on the server?

It's surprisingly like WoD.

Seems like the skill lvl on the server is well above live/retail servers. Are you happy with where it's at currently?

Yeah, it's pretty damn good. Population has been declining lately due to people gaining interest in Legion 19s again after @Hunnybuns return to the scene, which kinda sucks for us. Maybe something can be worked out.

What is the current state of the server? Beta, alpha or omega! @Dorigon


When is the server going to be live?


How are the donations coming along? Have you received help along the way?

I believe we've fundraised about 4k at this point? Something like that. It's overwhelming. Still haven't taken a single penny! In fact, my bank account is in negative at the moment.

This isn't your first interview, do you enjoy these kinds of things? They're fun for me :)

It's alright, if people care to read I care to write. You feel me? :p

Do you drink alchy? Beer vs booze?!

Nope, haven't been drunk a single time in my life. Nearly 20.

Are you single? Tinder hoover mode?!

Been single for 3 years. At the point where I fap to fall asleep. It's rough. You single?

Do you work or go to school currently?!

None of the above. I'm self-learning programming.

Starwars vs Star Trek? These aren't the droids you're looking for?!


Do you stream?

I do.


Favorite streamer? @Hunnybuns and his crew are AMAZING! Altho I enjoy @Mutando whenever he shows his pretty face!

You a sports guy? Golf is the second love of my life!

Hell no. Real nerds don't lift.

Do you own a vehicle? I run a 08 Ford Ranger but not proud of it. She's rusting on me...

I'm a slave owner. Does that count?

Thank you for answering these questions of mine Mvq! Any shout outs ya wanna hit?!

Mah boys @Pizza, @Kancer, @Blueprint and Chase.

Be sure to check out the Cata Meteorite Server page for info and updates!
Hair looms are pretty nice

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