<Medicinal> [H] Bleeding Hollow - Recruitment


<Medicinal> on Bleeding Hollow is now open for recruitment

<Medicinal> is now looking for active and dedicated 19 / 24 twinks. We are a friendly guild that is goal oriented with a competitive mindset. We are looking for players that can bring a positive attitude and have a willingness to improve. Currently, we consist of a handful of active players who strive towards activity and competition.

What Medicinal has to offer:

- Consumables for pugs / premades
- Full Guild Bank filled with various mats / enchants
- Help with gearing / acquiring AGM
- Possible funding in certain scenarios
- Active members who are willing to que (when 19s do pop)
- Advice on how to improve / help with macros

On getting accepted:

Everyone is welcome to <Medicinal>, but we do require a few things first. You must have all necessary BoA's for your selected class, with proper BiS enchants on them. If you do not currently have them, you must have intent on getting them. While we are a casual guild, we do expect our players to be properly geared. With MoP especially, gearing to be BiS really is not that hard. We accept players who want to re-roll a 19 over on BH to join our guild or players who are already on BH that are looking for an active guild, though please note the requirements listed previously.

Skill doesn't matter when being accepted. You will become the best we can make you, and we will personally help you through macros, key-binds, and whatever you need to improve your gameplay. You must have a brain and be able to follow instructions though, as we expect players to improve over time. Everyone has to start out somewhere.

What <Medicinal> expects from all members

- Dedication. This guild will go nowhere if we get a bunch of slackers who want everything handed to them. We will help you as best as we can, but we will not baby you. You need to do the bulk of the work yourself.
- Activity. Again, the guild won't be going anywhere without your willingness to push it along it's way. We are not asking for 24/7 activity, but what we expect is for you to be fairly active, logging on to check up on things, and say hello once in a while.
- Willingness to improve. As mentioned previously, we expect members to improve over time. Whether it be following instructions or accepting criticism, we expect members to use the input to excel their gameplay.

If you're interested, please pm me here on TI or message me in-game. All guild members are able to invite, but it is easier to go through me first. If I am not on my 19 / 24, you can usually find me playing one of my characters who are all named Superstylin (with different accents). Just /who Medicinal to see if I am on one of them.

Thank you for reading this and I hope to be hearing from you soon.

See you in the gulch'

- Superstylin
definetly interested just dont see anybody on atm. 19 holy pally just getting back into twinking since probly around 08-09 have a rogue that still has almost all gf'ed items.
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i dont see anyone on either and id like to level a brewmaster or windwalker monk my battletag is batok#1610 please get back to me
Yo is med still playing? Ladolce just came back to the game and ZJ is a very sad realm. Looking to transfer my Horde holly pally or Ally Warrior over there and using BH for my MoP free main. Miss you NZers. message me so I can contact one of you guys
Yo is med still playing? Ladolce just came back to the game and ZJ is a very sad realm. Looking to transfer my Horde holly pally or Ally Warrior over there and using BH for my MoP free main. Miss you NZers. message me so I can contact one of you guys

Nah it's dead
Hey everyone, I was wondering if u guys where still recruiting? made a character yesterday and i have seen anyone on so far.

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