Max warrior dps


Hey all, I just wanted to start this to see how I rank up to others dps wise, and also to try to determine the best type of gear / spec to work for. Since warriors are... very outmatched by rogues I would like to at least put up a decent fight for top dps. So please, post your dps on a boss that is pretty much a tank and spank such as Supremus and also include your spec. Lastly, it would be helpful for an armory link although its not required. So, heres mine :)

DPS:2200 on Supremus

Spec: PvP arms spec

Armory: The World of Warcraft Armory - Verixis @ Bladefist - Profile (Unfortunately I am in my pvp prot gear atm, but you can still look at my spec... although my gear is full Hyjal / BT / Sunwell gear socketed with all ArP.)
Max warrior dps with all 70's? The highest i was able to do was 4.1k on KJ with 80's in the raid (so level 80 buffs with fish feast and whatnots). I am 1h fury with duel warglaives.
.......pvp spec, nice. 2200, sick brew.
Im hoping that waz not sarcasm Falkor, but either way... I am in pvp spec because, I pvp much more often than I pve but I am making my prot spec pvp here soon. I was simply posting this because I wanted to know how to better myself pve wise, and if you have a problem with that... well, your an idiot my friend :)
I was pulling around 2.4 on the dummies in TB as Arms. But Bladestorm sort of hit the other dummies so was somewhat cheating.
I cant quite remember if warriors were chart-toppers back in BC. I remember a decently geared and well played warrior would top it on occasions.
Cookíes said:
I cant quite remember if warriors were chart-toppers back in BC. I remember a decently geared and well played warrior would top it on occasions.

Warriors back when BC was still current content were unable to really do their best. Which is why many rogues got glaives over warriors. Warriors have no way to get rid of threat. So a BT/sunwell geared fury warrior with glaives would threat cap in seconds and would pull and die.

A rogue pre wrath vs a warrior pre wrath if threat wasnt an issue the warrior would win hands down.
You have a point seeings as Rogues have Feint and Vanish. Warriors were initially designed to take it like a bitch i guess.
What spec do all you warriors use for dps? i have seen very unique specs such as 39/22/0, 1handed fury specs, and others that wasnt considered a "cookie cutter" spec but looked like they would do well.
I'd go a very common DPS spec just to be safe, that way you know if you pull 1k dps then your spec isn't shit, it's just the player.

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