mass bloggers added to this site

what are your thoughts about all these new bloggers here at twinkinfo?

every day it seems 1-2 new people are added. do we really need all these people filling the site up with their bs just to take up space? especially someone who hasn't been twinking for more than 3 months? would you really care what anyone would have to say about twinking if he/she just started doing it back in december?

i personally liked the fact that Drayner did most of the posting on the main page, it made the site very personal and he has the experience, unlike some.
I appreciate your concern Juicie. I am on my way out for lunch, I will come back and comment later.
The fact is, with growth comes more work, and Drayner can't do it all! I, for one, would love to see more content off the forums (they are hard to navigate at times) and look forward the the influx of need bloggers to the site.
do we really need all these people filling the site up with their bs just to take up space? especially someone who hasn't been twinking for more than 3 months? would you really care what anyone would have to say about twinking if he/she just started doing it back in december?

Don't just assume. I for one have been twinking since pre Xrealm back on Arathor EU.

I can't talk for the other new bloggers but I have no plans of filling the site with bs. I have a few ideas of columns I would like to write and I'm going to introduce them gradually and if the demand is there or the community thinks it is a worthwhile project it will be continued.

However this is just my perspective, you will have to talk to the others to see what plans they have for the site, but remember it is still Drayner's site, so he can pull any post down that he deems bs, and easily stop any of us blogging if he thinks we aren't beneficial to the site.

Just some food for thought.

I still don't have time for a patented "wall of text" that I have become famous for... but I will add a couple points for discussion...

1. I am nothing special. I am experienced, but I am just like all of you. I play a good lock, but my info comes from trial and error as well as following the ideas of others. (unfortunately there weren't too many lock twinks to follow since I was one of the early 19 twink locks)

2. Variety is key. I've posted various styles of info on the front page. Some enjoy some and some enjoy others. Rarely is there someone that enjoys all I have posted. Adding some additional flavor gives more of a menu to choose from.

3. I might not always be here... well, since it's my site, I will "be here", but I might not always be twinking. Hell, I might not even be playing at all. 80s are starting to get boring already now... :)

4. I think I chose the new bloggers well. I chose them based on enthusiam, ideals, and took a little concern with areas of world and the bracket too.

5. Lastly :) I added all 5-6 of them the same day. THe barrage of "intro" posts are over now.

hehe... well, I posted more than I intended.
As for the personal aspect... Hmmm. I was starting to think that the personal aspect was something many didn't like.
I thinks its good to have these people. However the site loses legitmacy when you have people posting about twinking that only have one twink and its two months old i.e rip. A majority of the people this site caters to are hard core twinks. I for one do not care what a person with two months experience twinking has to say on a twinking forum.
On another note I want to hear advice from pre x-realm twinkers with 70,000hk's plus. These people have been thru it all and understand every aspect of there twinks/classes. These are people with true insight.
JTPackard said:
However the site loses legitmacy when you have people posting about twinking that only have one twink and its two months old i.e rip. I for one do not care what a person with two months experience twinking has to say on a twinking forum.

I don't see why the amount of time you've twinked matters. It's not like I'm new to the game (with an acc active since vanilla WoW and 150 days /played) or as if while I only focused on endgame I was unaware of standard twinking knowledge.

My personal opinion is that as long as you're active, well informed, and can communicate clearly there's no problem.

Plus for those that didn't already know my lack of twinking history, do I really come across as somebody new to twinking?
JTPackard, having 70,000+ HK's doesn't prove anything.. it just proves that you can run around doing warsong gulch all day. I personally have bounced around quite a bit with my twinking, I have been twinking since the release of lower level brackets, which I think at this point is 3 and 1/2 years. Right now I'm running a 19 guild that has been doing consistent premades every week, but I only have about 4k HK's on him.

High Amount of HK's does not justify knowledge.
The longer you have twinked the better you know your class and other classes. With age come experience. Plus this is a twink forum. Helps to have twinked before to post relevant info to twinking. Nothing personal to you Rip.
the longer you have twinked the better you know your class and other classes.

the longer you have played the better you know your class and other classes

Plus this is a twink forum. Helps to have twinked before to post relevant info to twinking. Nothing personal to you Rip.

I'd be shocked if you could one post out of my ~220 that has been unrelevent or incorrect.

Excluding these types of threads ofcourse.
Lucris said:
JTPackard, having 70,000+ HK's doesn't prove anything.. it just proves that you can run around doing warsong gulch all day. I personally have bounced around quite a bit with my twinking, I have been twinking since the release of lower level brackets, which I think at this point is 3 and 1/2 years. Right now I'm running a 19 guild that has been doing consistent premades every week, but I only have about 4k HK's on him.

High Amount of HK's does not justify knowledge.

I disagree. HK's speaks volumes about most twinks. If you see 100k+ hk's on someone you know a few things. First they have been around awhile and should understand there class and what there class is suppose to do in arena and wsg. Second it shows experience. It shows 1000's of wsg games under there belt. This is a person that understands the game mechanincs and has a good stradegy.

Now there are many exceptions to this and we could go on all day. However we are getting away from the main point of my original post. My original post was aimed at postings from in-experienced twinkers on a twink forum.(again nothing personal rip). I was refering to the original posters post with "all these people filling up the forums with BS".
Also I apologize for using your name in my post. This was a poor example as it seems you know your stuff very well.
JTPackard said:
Also I apologize for using your name in my post. This was a poor example as it seems you know your stuff very well.

You can stop apologizing lol I'm not offended. I just don't get you're view that anyone that is new to twinking lacks pvp experience.
JTPackard said:
Also I apologize for using your name in my post. This was a poor example as it seems you know your stuff very well.

I agree JT. Rip, may be new to twinking, but I will be honest, he knows tons already. He could fool anyone tbh. So, he is an example of someone that catches on fast and has less xp, but great knowledge.

Now, we can go the other way and point out my guild leader of my original twink guild, Laycee. She has 2 toons (priest and lock) at 19 with 100k kills on each of them. She has PLENTY of WSG xp, but she doesn't know much about gearing and doesn't keep up with what's current. She knows here classes and plays them pretty good. She knows who and when to fear, etc... But, on the other aspects outside of the gulch, she relys on others to help her along. That's not a knock at her, she is a super person and fun to play with.

My point is we all have varied levels of involvement. In that regard, we are all right for the job. It's passion and the hunger to learn and teach that make people good at blogging on a subject.

We shall see how these guys do!
I agree JT. Rip, may be new to twinking, but I will be honest, he knows tons already. He could fool anyone tbh. So, he is an example of someone that catches on fast and has less xp, but great knowledge.


I have mad skillz

But in regards to the OP, now that we have ~9 bloggers, we should try to coordinate blog posts so that the same (or similiar) information shouldn't be given twice.

Personally I am running by all my future blog posts with the staff before posting to make sure

a) that more than myself find it interesting

b) if I'm missing any information that they can add to before posting

c) grammar and other fun stuff
I agree with what some others have said.

Your time twinking doesn't always have a large impact on how much you know. Naturally, you will learn more with time, but you don't always take that much time to learn.

I know from reading posts Rip is very qualified, and I personally wouldn't have known about his "lack" of twinking experience. It definitely does not show itself in any way.

Even though I've played since a week or so after release, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm more knowledgeable than say someone who has only been doing it a year. Those of us that are old veterans are constantly working to learn new things, and have to be told by the newbies what we're missing!
I'm semi-appalled at this post. Tbh, 100k kills shows ME that they're a farmer. That's what it tells me unless I know the person. I've played since pre-BC as well. Honestly, I think end-game arena experience is actually as effective as twink activity. You learn soooo much. I think you should wait and see how we do before you judge/doubt. You'll be impressed I promise :)

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